Monthly Archive: May 2006
Resources & Links David Gilmour Website | Discuss concerts on forum | View Full Tour Dates Further to yesterday’s news that David Gilmour has added several dates to his 2006 tour, he has now added a further night in the wonderful country of Poland! David has accepted an invitation from Pawel Adamowicz, Major of Gdansk in Poland, to perform a special concert in the Gdansk shipyards on Saturday 26th August. It will mark the 26th...
Resources & Links David Gilmour Website | Discuss concerts on forum | Tour Rooms on Wiki It has been confirmed on David Gilmour’s website that a number of new concerts have been added to his 2006 European and American tour. You can get info about where to book from David Gilmour’s website. July 27, 2006: AUSTRIA – NR. LINZ CLAM CASTLEBurg ClamSperken 44352 KlamBox Office: (+43) 1 96096 (plus system fee). July 29, 2006:...
Resources & Links David Gilmour Website | Discuss concerts on forum Another chance to see David Gilmour live: 16th May in cinemas across the US. As mentioned on the website, don’t forget that there’s a chance to see David Gilmour’s live show in one of over US 100 cinemas on Tuesday 16th May. Thanks to a set-up in the USA whereby various concerts can be shown on cinema screens for a limited period, David...