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David Gilmour DVD and Live album for 2002

David Gilmour, lead Guitarist/songwriter2/vocalist of Pink Floyd will be on a “popular” music website called Dot Music on 10th January 2002. He will be taking part in a web chat to promote his solo performances at The Royal Festival Hall this January. The web chat starts at 5pm (Greenwich Mean Time London etc.)

From DotMusic…

Ask Mr. Gilmour anything about Pink Floyd’s history or their recently released best of. Quiz him about his various solo projects, his numerous guest appearances over the years and find out why he’s back in the live arena.

Gilmour has a busy month planned with three semi unplugged solo concerts at London’s Royal Festival Hall on 16, 17 and 18 January 2002. Fans will also be pleased to know that a live album and DVD are in the pipeline for later in the year.

Go to DotMusic for more info