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Floyd Documentary on BBC4 May 23rd

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Pink Floyd fans in the UK and many parts of Europe should make a note in their diary for Friday, May 23rd. Starting at 9:30pm, and running for over two and half commercial-free hours, is an evening on BBC4 looking at various aspects of the band.

The entertainment starts off with the 2007 documentary, “The Pink Floyd Story: Which One’s Pink?”, followed at 10:30pm by “Classic albums: Dark Side Of The Moon”, and at 11:20pm to round things off is 2001’s “Omnibus: Syd Barrett”, all of which of course include interviews with all the band members, giving fascinating insights into their history.

Discuss on ForumBBC4 is a digital TV station, broadcasting on Freeview, Virgin Media cable, and Sky satellite, which can be seen in the UK and many parts of northern Europe.

Sources: [ Brain Damage / BBC4 ]