Double Core?

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Re: Double Core?

Post by Patrik »

Thanks db_intheflesh!

An "hoax" record by P Floyd! Fun idea and quite a challenge! :-)

When I were a member of a shortlived project called Labyrinth WHISTLER & wrote music for an hoax Vegetable Man cover! i had a "Vegetable Man & The Journey" concept in mind. P Floyd was inspired by the author James Joyce for their "The Man & They Journey" suite-

"The Vegetable Man & The Journey" never became any suite but
i thougth it had been a cool idea to instead for Joyce have H P Lovecraft as a inspiration.
You know, some similitarities between the destinys of S Barrett and Lovecraft.

db_intheflesh wrote:
Patrik wrote:Hi Mosepa!
Have you stepped up on "No Heaven And No Hell"? if not, is the lyrics published somewhere here?

The lyrics, written by cwta eugene, are posted here, on the original hoax album thread.

Obviously the point of this whole thing is to take the tribute idea one step further and actually try to emulate the Pink Floyd writing technique - so we should think about how PF albums work as a whole. We need to consider the themes to deal with (lyrically and musically), the running order (I assume we're not going to be naive enough to leave the running order as it is on the hoax cover, since we don't know how the tracks will segue when they're written), and if we want to copy the 'cyclic' nature of the 70's albums (with the ends of the album being related to the beginning, eg heartbeat on DSOTM, Shine On, POTW, and Outside the Wall).

Are we going for a concept album that tells a story (The Wall, KAOS), a concept album with repeated musical themes (DSOTM, WYWH), a concept album in so much as we have a general 'theme' (Division Bell, being communication), or just a plain old non-conceptual album? :lol:

If we want some kind of musical cohesion between the tracks, then I suggest we get everyone to record demos, and then listen to the others' work and adapt our own if there are any stand out musical phrases or sequences. This would also give us a chance to work out a running order and work on segues.

David, clearly having overthought this idea :D
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Post by black bobble »

That's a wild concept - sounds interesting
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Post by mosespa »

Neil1567/2 wrote:
1. I was worried about a Floyd Album having "Hope" as its theme!! Having read the lyrics though,I guess dispair could also be the theme,as could existentialism.Quite a broad pallet there then!!

2. Magnolia,at the moment,is lyrically a sort of relationship breakup One of My Turns type thing but can easily be adapted to suit the theme-although its hard to instantly find a great deal of Hope in there.Anyway,back to the rockface....
1. The theme doesn't actually have to be "hope." It's just something I tossed out based upon how my lyrics for "Come And See" have turned out. Since the name of the bogus album is Double Core, perhaps duality could be the theme.

Here's another idea. Taking a cue from The Division Bell (which was about communication but featured two heads communicating in the artwork,) the theme of this album could somehow revolve around the two entities who are communicating.

Or we could put a spin in there about how a duality is still also a whole.


We can kick some things around.

The key thing, though, is that no one should feel bound by constraints as to what to write about. PF lyrics cover a lot of ground and each of us has a different facet of the lyrics that appeals to us or that we might wish to emulate.

The "theme" (whatever it may end up being,) is really just a tool for finding ways to fade the songs into each other. Whatever the theme is, our imaginations will have no problems finding ways to tie everything together.

2. Despair is the polar opposite of, we've definitely got a "poles" thing happening already. No Heaven And No Hell sort of combines both notions, if I remember correctly.

Maybe we're already onto something after all :D :D
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Post by moom »

What's this "Double Core" thing :) ?
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Post by henno » ... hp?t=14332

see above Moom.....

personally i think this is a fantastic idea... i really hope it works out!! :D
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Re: Double Core?

Post by Patrik »

Thanks! Nice & a big pleasure to be on board on this project with you!!
Great lyrics!

Hello,, I haven't stepped up on No Heaven and No Hell, feel free. It'll be good to have you on board. :D :D

db_intheflesh wrote:
1. Obviously the point of this whole thing is to take the tribute idea one step further and actually try to emulate the Pink Floyd writing technique - so we should think about how PF albums work as a whole.

1a. We need to consider the themes to deal with (lyrically and musically),

1b. the running order (I assume we're not going to be naive enough to leave the running order as it is on the hoax cover, since we don't know how the tracks will segue when they're written),

1c. and if we want to copy the 'cyclic' nature of the 70's albums (with the ends of the album being related to the beginning, eg heartbeat on DSOTM, Shine On, POTW, and Outside the Wall).

2. Are we going for a concept album that tells a story (The Wall, KAOS), a concept album with repeated musical themes (DSOTM, WYWH), a concept album in so much as we have a general 'theme' (Division Bell, being communication), or just a plain old non-conceptual album? :lol:

3. If we want some kind of musical cohesion between the tracks, then I suggest we get everyone to record demos, and then listen to the others' work and adapt our own if there are any stand out musical phrases or sequences. This would also give us a chance to work out a running order and work on segues.

4. David, clearly having overthought this idea :D
1. Exactly.

1a. I don't know what anyone else has come up with so far, but I have already completed a demo of Come And See...and the lyrics seem to deal with the "persistence of hope" if you will. Given that the lyrics cwta_e has come up with for NHANH deal with hope and the loss/regaining of it, perhaps "hope" would be a good theme for us to latch on to. After all, we hope that PF will give us one more album or show or something. We hope that the boys can get it together again.

Hope seems to make sense...although I don't know how it would fit in with the title "Double Core"...especially since I don't know what that refers to in the first place.

1b. I just sort of took it for granted that the running order would follow the bogus cd booklet...but it doesn't have to, I suppose. I've approached Come And See in such a way that the beginning and ending would fit just about anything that could come before and after it. For example, Come And See begins with a long synth drone that could fade up from underneath whatever came before it...and the ending (I won't get too specific because I don't want to spoil it,) could lead into just about anything else.

1c. This is something I hadn't really taken into consideration...but it's a good point. The idea of this whole thing is to record what we think a reunion album might sound like...and all this time, I've been viewing this as simply "the follow-up to TDB." :oops:

With Roger coming back on board, the cyclic fascination would undoubtedly come back. Well spotted, mate :D

2. We COULD do a "non-conceputal" album...but I think that would kind of piss on the very concept of what we're doing here in the first place.

My vote is for a concept album with a general theme...that way, everyone is still free to write about the theme without having to worry about whether or not it's going to advance a story.

This way, those of us who have already written lyrics won't have to rewrite them :lol:

3. This is a wonderful's also kind of a connection to TDB in that we will all have to communicate with each other in order to pull this off. Also, by communicating with each other and "working together," the overall cohesion of the album should be strengthened.

I think we're onto something now, gang.

4. No more than I have been, my friend :D It's not a bad thing.

EDIT: Just out of curiosity, does everyone involved in this use myspace? If so, I could set up a Double Core page on myspace where we could have a central location to exchange ideas that wouldn't involve spoiling surprises for the community here.[/quote]
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Post by moom »

thanx, henno, cool idea :D but drat, all the songs are already made... can I still contribute by trying to make an another version :D ? maybe just lyrics or just music :)
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Post by mosespa »

moom wrote:thanx, henno, cool idea :D but drat, all the songs are already made... can I still contribute by trying to make an another version :D ? maybe just lyrics or just music :)
You could head up the artwork department, if you like. I think it might not be a bad idea for us to create some new artwork as the artwork that exists on the bogus jacket might be copyrighted by someone else.



I am, for now, setting a deadline of January 1st, 2007. This gives two months for everyone to get their pieces together. If this isn't going to be enough time, let me know.
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Post by moom »

mosespa wrote:
moom wrote:thanx, henno, cool idea :D but drat, all the songs are already made... can I still contribute by trying to make an another version :D ? maybe just lyrics or just music :)
You could head up the artwork department, if you like. I think it might not be a bad idea for us to create some new artwork as the artwork that exists on the bogus jacket might be copyrighted by someone else.
So no other versions of compositions :( ? I'm not very good in drawing :( And what's with the lyrics?
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Post by thrill-seeker »

Now up for grabs : Deep Horizon.

I'm just too busy now and will be for the next two months. Also, a deadline just hinders my creativity - even if it was 2 years I had to do this it would still have the same effect. Yep, I suppose I take it seriously - nothing is really worth anything if I don't.
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Post by moom »

thrill-seeker wrote:Now up for grabs : Deep Horizon.

I'm just too busy now and will be for the next two months. Also, a deadline just hinders my creativity - even if it was 2 years I had to do this it would still have the same effect. Yep, I suppose I take it seriously - nothing is really worth anything if I don't.
Pardon me :D, do you mean you wno't be doing that track?
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Post by mosespa »

That's exactly what he means, Moom.

You now have your shot :D
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Post by moom »

mosespa wrote:That's exactly what he means, Moom.

You now have your shot :D
and I won't miss it ;) I'm sorry, t-s, but i think i'm taking the track :)
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Post by Massed Gadgets »

Well, after this weekend I have some of the main melodic themes worked out for Silent Victory, as well as a lyrical theme, though the lyrics aren't written yet.
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Post by mosespa »

I think all that's left for me to do on Come And See is recut the lead vocal and add some female backing.

MG, I could throw some of the lyrics I spit out for Silent Victory if it will help. I don't know if they'll fit with your lyrical theme or not, though.