Cowards wrote:Shall I ask to get you unbanned. Me and Joe are pretty tight.
Thanks for the offer, but I really have no interest in joining their community. They are convinced that I'm nothing but a troublemaker (and, admittedly, they do have reasons for thinking that...reasons which are based in events from seven years ago, but obviously they don't believe that people can change and grow...whatever,) and the fact that I managed to sneak past their defenses under a different name would probably only fuel their ire.
They read your pm's...that's how they found me.
While I was there, I started zero trouble (aside from repeatedly asking them to clarify something that they kept pretty obscure, as I saw it,) and discovered that their forum is boring beyond belief because they don't allow the sort of colourful stuff we have here.
Yep...NPF is the only forum I attend anymore. All of the others got pretty damned boring. But this one is still vibrant.
I love that about it.
Again, though...thanks for your offer.