All the staff were really good and the price of food and drink was not too extortionate for these kind of places, we were well topped up at the Solid Rock Cafe first though

When I joined this forum recently it was to ask if i should take my DSLR to this gig. decided in the end it was too risky but took my old Fuji S2800 bridge camera and 2 x 32 GB memory cards, speaking to the stewards about this they think I might not have been allowed in with the DSLR, on entry I showed my bridge camera and they said it has no separate lens so OK, she looked like she really was not sure though.
Sitting to the side where we were though had its rewards as the Giant inflatable Pig emerged right in front of us ... great show as always and cant wait to see them again.
Couple of short vids I shot. ... a.mp4.html ... 7.mp4.html