Double Core II

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Re: Double Core II

Post by Hudini »

Phantom Turnip wrote:Sorry for no progress on "Awaken Trembling" thus far. Just graduated college yesterday, so now I'll have a lot more free time on my hands until grad school next August.
Congrats! No pressures from me either. Just take your time. :)
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Re: Double Core II

Post by Jimi Dean Barrett »

This isn't what IBM doing for the album, but an improvisation I usually do every New Year's Day, but had to postpone this year due to work.
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Re: Double Core II

Post by Massed Gadgets »

Met with a buddy of mine, and we started putting some ideas together for Starlight from the bits and pieces I'd already worked out. I can hear the thing in my head, just have to work it out on my instruments.
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Re: Double Core II

Post by Massed Gadgets »

Are we still doing this? I see that there's not been much activity in the thread lately. My track is coming together, but it's coming together slowly. I'm trying to coordinate between people in 4 different parts of the world. I'm not sure I can meet the April deadline.
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Re: Double Core II

Post by Annoying Twit »

Is there anything I could do here? I wouldn't want to take on something that is mission critical, but if there's something I can contribute I'd like to have a go.

Is there a list of things left to do?
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Re: Double Core II

Post by Jimi Dean Barrett »

Annoying Twit wrote:Is there anything I could do here? I wouldn't want to take on something that is mission critical, but if there's something I can contribute I'd like to have a go.

Is there a list of things left to do?
You might be in luck!
I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull out of this. Still no ideas only two strings left and no way of recording it anyway.
Sorry everyone.
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Re: Double Core II

Post by Annoying Twit »

What is still outstanding?

@Jimi - what are you scheduled to do?

EDIT: I can't see that anyone has taken on "It's Not You". So, I have these rough first draft lyrics.

There are lots of clumsy bits, and I want to include more imagery. But, I include here what I have written
in about 15 minutes.

Code: Select all

It's Not You

If you fake a smile when you see the hurt in my eyes
Or if you tell another of your two dollar lies
When a snide aside is all that you can do

It's not you
It's not you

The war has been lost, though the battle was won
The book is closed, and the damage is done
If you say you're hurting, well, me too

It's not you
It's not you

        Roses are red
        Violets are blue
        Our love is a memory
        So what shall we do?

        A new day begins
        A new sun will rise
        As we awaken
        Clouds fill the skies
A path has been chosen, a road cross the land
I can't do it alone, I need a hand
Don't look so hurt let me give you a clue

It's not you
It's not you

If there's any small chance to start life anew

It's not me
It's not me
It's not you
I was wondering if 'eight' could be a list song, like 'Eclipse' listing groups of eight things. E.g.

Code: Select all

Eight flooded rivers
Eight hateful eyes
Eight grasping fingers
Eight virgins die
But, checking the track listing, it's an instrumental. :)
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Re: Double Core II

Post by Hudini »

Annoying Twit wrote: I was wondering if 'eight' could be a list song, like 'Eclipse' listing groups of eight things. E.g.

Code: Select all

Eight flooded rivers
Eight hateful eyes
Eight grasping fingers
Eight virgins die
But, checking the track listing, it's an instrumental. :)
Sounds awfully like Aphrodite's Child's 'Seven Trumpets':
Ladies and gentlemen!
Seven trumpets – the sound of thunder!
Seven trumpets – the threatening anger!
Seven trumpets – the trembling voice!
Seven trumpets – you got no choice!
Seven trumpets – the seven angels!
Seven trumpets – the music changes!
Or even more like the opening verse of Iron Maiden's 'Moonchild':
Seven deadly sins
Seven ways to win
Seven holy paths to hell
And your trip begins
Seven downward slopes
Seven bloodied hopes
Seven are your burning fires,
Seven your desires...
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Re: Double Core II

Post by Annoying Twit »

Hmmm.... I haven't heard those songs before. There are similarities, but then again most ideas have been thought of before. E.g. PF wrote 'Eclipse' before U2 wrote that Elvis song.

I've had a go at writing a fully instrumental 'Eight', but I can never avoid my tendency to too simple pop. This should be longer, I need at least another section or two to contrast with what is there now. Something less melodic. The first half should have sampled speech on it, like various PF songs, which is why it sounds so sparse at present.

So, here it is:

No idea if there's still an opportunity for me to participate, but I'm trying to work on being a bit more Floydian. Problem is that I can't play instrument. I've done the following, which is just eight bars, but I'm trying to work on a style. i really like Rick's 'loose' piano playing, e.g. on much of Wet Dream. I've given it a go, but even with considerable editing, I can't do it. If I participate in this way, would it just store up problems where real instrumentalists have to do the work to play my bits?

Anyhow, I think I'm benefitting from these exercises. Here's another attempt, but just a backing track, and only 8 bars!
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Re: Double Core II

Post by Jimi Dean Barrett »

Hold everything!
By the end of March I could have solidified a three piece. So all may not be lost.
If nothing else I can always change the title of this video I took last night.

A lot of the people who heard it said both "Roger Waters" and "Pink Floyd"!
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Re: Double Core II

Post by Annoying Twit »

Also this 'feel':

And to complete the set of fragments I have at the moment, this was an attempt to do something with the feel of Have a Cigar but far enough away to not be a steal.

Is there anyone around to give feedback or discuss what opportunities are still open? Any of these bits can be developed further if there is a chance that they can be a contribution to the project.
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Re: Double Core II

Post by mosespa »

Everybody keep doing what you're doing! :D

Keep developing those pieces, Annoying Twit! Sounds like you're on a good roll!

Jimi Dean Barrett...keep at it, man!

A reminder for everyone who hasn't seen the separate thread, the deadline has been suspended, so there's no rush to get anything done. Let the music breathe and develop.
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Re: Double Core II

Post by Annoying Twit »

Is this Liberace doing PF?

EDIT: I'm going to have to study PF lyrics more and rewrite the lyrics for It's Not You, probably from scratch. There's something about the lyrics that has made my several attempts to write a melody not work out. The melodies could not have been less Floydian. But, when I found some Rog lyrics for songs I didn't know the melody for (apologies if that marks me out as a lightweight) I could write something more PF like for them.

I could use the old technique of: write music for someone else's lyrics. Then, write new lyrics for the music generated in the first step.
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Re: Double Core II

Post by Annoying Twit »

This was an attempt to write music for 'It's Not You'. My problem is that I can't get away from those 'Sesame Street' level melodies. What makes PF music is that a lot of the vocal melodies are much less direct melodies, but they work brilliantly in context.

Anyhow, this is NOT a final version or anything, just what I'm working on. As Mosespa says, there is time to try and work on this. PF tend to use 'rocking back and forward' between two chords quite a bit before the chords go on a journey, and this has that to an extent. It would need a key change for a bridge.

The french horn sound is intended to be a vocal melody.

ETA: How will guitar solos be created? Here's another try at 'Eight'. However, this is a 'Gilmour/Wright' song, and hence it would have a lot of guitar :) I've done a fake guitar solo here. How would this be turned into a real guitar solo? Would a guitarist want to compose their own solo, or take the basic structure of what is already there and embellish it?
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Re: Double Core II

Post by mosespa »

That french horn melody sounds just fine to me! Bear in mind that the main melodies of Another Brick in the Wall are very simple.

The fake guitar solo in the second clip sounds really good, too.

What a real guitarist would do depends very much upon the guitarist themselves. Have you asked around the forum or any other places where people communicate to see if you can find someone?