01. Mediterranean C
02. Against The Odds
03. Cat Cruise
04. Summer Elegy
05. Waves
06. Holiday
07. Mad Yannis Dance
08. Drop In From the Top
09. Pink's Song
10. Funky Deux
I listened to this a couple of weeks ago for the first time in a long time. It reminds me of those "sleeping" albums you can get at Target Wal-Mart, or wherever, in that it is soothing and good for relaxing. Also, I have always found Rick's voice to be softest of Floyd, so that helps with the soothing factor. It's probably the best solo album by him, but I have not listened to Broken China in a while (I found it more underwhelming at the time).
I love this album...it has long been one of my favourites. Such a sad, haunting and beautiful album. When I listen to it, I'm out there on Rick's yacht with him. He knows his marriage is disintegrating and he's becoming alienated from his band. His world is falling apart. And yet, there is a certain piece of mind, a great calming of the soul that comes through being out on the sea, sailing, and soothes the pain, if only for a while.
Rick's solo career is the best of the Floydsters IMO. This and Broken China are both great works (BC is still better though). The music here is unique and entrances me a lot. Wright was very talented, creating the two most interesting PF solo albums. Grade: 4.5
I know a lot of you guys really love this album, but it doesn't work for me at all. The only song I really like on it is "Pink's Song". The instrumentals are not as bad as the ones on "Broken China" but they all seem to look alike (with the exception of "Funky Deux"), and the rest of the songs are just half baked, with some good moments but that's just it.
Same here. It doesn't do much for me I'm afraid and just goes to highlight why Roger is the only one with the talent to make any good albums away from the Waters, Mason. Wright and Gilmour version of Floyd. Some good ideas but they'd need a lot of working on for me to want to play it regularly.
thehumanzoo wrote:Does anyone know what exactly possessed Rick to name the album this?
His passionate love for sailing?
Massed Gadgets wrote:And yet, there is a certain piece of mind, a great calming of the soul that comes through being out on the sea, sailing, and snorting cocaine soothes the pain, if only for a while.
I'm embarrased to say that I've never heard it and I'm saying this as someone who is so enamoured with Richard's music, keyboards and voice. I (or my better half) will seek out a vinyl copy here in Hogtown. It'll be fun to find and hear at last!
2066 wrote:I'm embarrased to say that I've never heard it and I'm saying this as someone who is so enamoured with Richard's music, keyboards and voice. I (or my better half) will seek out a vinyl copy here in Hogtown. It'll be fun to find and hear at last!
Have You Got It Yet?
Honestly, I find it a bit of a snooze fest. Hudini pretty much summed it up.
I was underwhelmed when I heard this first but it's a grower. Some of the instrumentals are very nice and not a million miles away from what the likes of Air put out these days. There are times though when it does border on muzak though but I think a fair bit of 70s synth-based music is in danger of falling into that trap. I think it's Rick's On An Island actually. It's got a similar feeling (laid back, water theme) and it's a personal album. A couple of the songs seem to allude to Rick's crumbling marriage and also to his love of sailing and Greece. I couldn't see anything from here ending up on Animals - it's a very different album to what Pink Floyd put out the previous year.