azza200 wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2024 8:41 pm
Funny how he is only paying attention to UK politics & the election and all of a sudden telling us who to vote for when the last few years he has said fuck all about the corrupt Tories who have ruined the UK over the last 14 years.
Hypocrite, Roger no one cares who you are saying to vote for tomorrow. You live in America, and you care and say more about their political system than the UK's.
Even though I guess Waters has the best intentions in being critical about Western propaganda, I think he makes a very huge mistake in appearing to defend crimes by Hamas and Putin.
His behaviour is very peculiar in this video. He is not doing his musical legacy any favours.
Nor the brand Pink Floyd either understandable why David and PFM are keeping their distance from him & is also why several people have pulled out from the PF sale of their catalog
I'm more concerned with genocidal Zionist hatred of gentiles.
When Satanyahoo whines about antisemitism the whole world yawns.
He is trying to start world war three the evil bastard.
See how much you love Israel when you are sat dying of fallout.
Keep fighting these psychotic racists Roger. Name calling by demented psychopaths isn't worth piss.