As a member of this forum you are able to post your own personal opinions and participate in discussions about any issue you like so long as it complies with the simple rules below.
These basic rules ensure the forum is an enjoyable place for the majority of our visitors and not the minority! A degree of responsibility and moderation on your part is needed.
Most of the administrative rules like posting topics in the correct place, duplicate threads etc. will be dealt with almost automatically by the moderating team. There will be posts that break the rules in terms of people flaming and/or flooding. These posts will be edited and/or deleted if the person is consistently doing it.
1 - No topics of a sexually explicit, racial or taboo nature will be permitted.
2 - No attacking, flaming or flooding on the forum like a troll.
3 - No excessive and/or unnecessary swearing.
4 - Post in English only.
5 - Do not post the same message across multiple topics/forums. No flooding!
6 - No self-promoting, Advertising or SPAM links. These will be judged on a case by case basis.
7 - Stay on topic as much as possible.
8 - Choose a topic title which reflects the subject of your post.
9 - Only "quote" parts of people's posts that you are referring to thus deleting the rest. Do NOT quote if you are referring to the last post on a topic, i.e., the one above yours when you have posted it.
10 - Do not post pictures in threads unless they support a point you are making.
11 - Do not use the attachment feature to post unnecessary images. Also, do not use to post in Fun & Games forum.
12 - No trading bootleg recordings including offering links to downloads, offering vines or any other means of sharing copyrighted materials associated particularly with Pink Floyd or solo members, or other copyrighted works.
1 - No offensive images allowed in avatars such as graphic violence or overtly sexual images.
1 - The post/topic will be edited/deleted and your conduct noted.
2 - The member will be banned from the forum for at least 24 hours.
1 - Choosing An Appropriate Forum To Post To - it is important in terms of the forums organisation that people post their topics into the correct forum. If you are talking about Pink Floyd or two or more Pink Floyd members at once, post in the Pink Floyd forum, if your post relates to one specific member, post in their individual forum, non Pink Floyd music goes in General music and most other stuff will fit in General Discussion. The exceptions are if you are posting downloads in which case they belong in one of the RoIO forums.
2 - Pointless Posts and Replies - Please only post to a thread if you have something to add to it. Do not post pointless replies as it sends topics off-topic and takes momentum away from topics thus killing them. Also, please DO NOT revive old threads if you have nothing meaningful to add to them! This is a waste of space on the server and is annoying for people reading the forum.
3 - Posting of Long Lists - When you post a long list on the forum, all of that data is then stored in the sites database. Therefore the posting of long lists of things (such as RoIOs etc.) is generally not encouraged and may be deleted by a mod.
4 - Fun and Games Forum - The rules will not be applied as vigorously in the fun and games section but this does not mean that the core rules of decency and respect do not apply.
5 - Use Of Post Attachment Feature - It is possible to attach files to your posts and have your files uploaded to the NPF Server. As server space is a finite resource, you are discouraged from uploading things that can generally be uploaded elsewhere such as for Photos, for Videos and for Other Files.
An example of when you may use attachments is when you want to discuss the attachment as the focus of a new topic and you can't figure out how to use those other web site's services.
Forum Rules as of 02 June 2009
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Forum Rules as of 02 June 2009
Last edited by Keith Jordan on Wed Apr 30, 2008 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Site Admin
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Re: Forum Rules as of 23rd May 2007
Updated rules with regards to attachments in posts.
Part A
11 - Do not use the attachment feature to post unnecessary images. Also, do not use to post in Fun & Games forum.
Part D - Guidelines
5 - Use Of Post Attachment Feature - It is possible to attach files to your posts and have your files uploaded to the NPF Server. As server space is a finite resource, you are discouraged from uploading things that can generally be uploaded elsewhere such as for Photos, for Videos and for Other Files. An example of when you may use attachments is when you want to discuss the attachment as the focus of a new topic and you can't figure out how to use those other website's services.
Part A
11 - Do not use the attachment feature to post unnecessary images. Also, do not use to post in Fun & Games forum.
Part D - Guidelines
5 - Use Of Post Attachment Feature - It is possible to attach files to your posts and have your files uploaded to the NPF Server. As server space is a finite resource, you are discouraged from uploading things that can generally be uploaded elsewhere such as for Photos, for Videos and for Other Files. An example of when you may use attachments is when you want to discuss the attachment as the focus of a new topic and you can't figure out how to use those other website's services.
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Re: Forum Rules as of 23rd May 2007
New rule:
12 - No trading bootleg recordings including offering links to downloads, offering vines or any other means of sharing copyrighted materials associated with Pink Floyd or solo members.
12 - No trading bootleg recordings including offering links to downloads, offering vines or any other means of sharing copyrighted materials associated with Pink Floyd or solo members.
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Re: Forum Rules as of 5th June 2007
Changed the bootleg rule a little to include all copyrighted materials like other bands albums, TV Shows and other such things. The copyright owners are really coming down on this sort of thing of late hence I dont want to have someone shut the site down and spoil everything we have built here over the years!!
So no linking to bootleg sites or sites with loads of copyrighted material on them! Thanks.
12 - No trading bootleg recordings including offering links to downloads, offering vines or any other means of sharing copyrighted materials associated particularly with Pink Floyd or solo members, or other copyrighted works.
So no linking to bootleg sites or sites with loads of copyrighted material on them! Thanks.
12 - No trading bootleg recordings including offering links to downloads, offering vines or any other means of sharing copyrighted materials associated particularly with Pink Floyd or solo members, or other copyrighted works.
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Re: Forum Rules as of 06 April 2009
Changed the links rule from...
6 - No posting links to other sites unless Floyd related. Must have made at least 10 posts.
6 - No self-promoting or SPAM links. These will be judged on a case by case basis.
You can post links (newbies included) so long as you have not just joined the forum for the purpose of spamming and self-promoting. Links will be judged on a case by case basis.
6 - No posting links to other sites unless Floyd related. Must have made at least 10 posts.
6 - No self-promoting or SPAM links. These will be judged on a case by case basis.
You can post links (newbies included) so long as you have not just joined the forum for the purpose of spamming and self-promoting. Links will be judged on a case by case basis.
- Site Admin
- Posts: 17292
- Joined: Wed Jun 12, 2002 6:54 pm
- Gender: Male
- Location: Cheshire, England
- Has thanked: 6 times
- Been thanked: 15 times
Re: Forum Rules as of 06 April 2009
Please dont quote the last post on a topic to reply to it as it is not necessary in most cases. If you are doing a "Mossification" and taking the last post apart by numbering the points made in it, then by all means, quote it as you like. But don't be putting a one sentence reply in general to the post above!! It wastes server space and make administrating the database more of a nightmare over time!!
Thank you.
9 - Only "quote" parts of people's posts that you are referring to thus deleting the rest.
9 - Only "quote" parts of people's posts that you are referring to thus deleting the rest. Do NOT quote if you are referring to the last post on a topic, i.e., the one above yours when you have posted it.
Please dont quote the last post on a topic to reply to it as it is not necessary in most cases. If you are doing a "Mossification" and taking the last post apart by numbering the points made in it, then by all means, quote it as you like. But don't be putting a one sentence reply in general to the post above!! It wastes server space and make administrating the database more of a nightmare over time!!
Thank you.