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Generous Donors Keep NPF Alive!

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Discuss on the forumThanks to the kind donations of 49 people, the money has been raised to rent a virtual dedicated server for the next 6 months for NPF!

Not only was the original target of USD $558 raised, but double was raised taking us to $1,116.68 in just two days! As such, I can rent a second server to increase the reliability of NPF!

Alpha Server: Will host forum, news, magazine, photos, encyclopedia and newsletter and data backups from the beta server. Everything on basically. Splitting the main NPF site and the tracker will mean a faster loading NPF and a lot less downtime due to server overloading!

Beta Server: Will host exceptionally busy NPF Tracker on and data backups from the alpha server. The tracker site has millions and millions of hits per month due to the nature of the way it works and thus takes a lot of resources, often knocking the main NPF site offline!! Having it on it’s own powerful server will benefit the site very much!

The Final Summary

Total Cost (USD) $558.00
Total Donations $1,116.68
Donations Needed -$558.68
Progress 200.12%

What Happens Next

I have already paid for the first server and have been working on setting it up for the past two days! Unfortunately, there have been one or two issues with it so far that I am sorting out. I shall purchase the second one when the money from enters my bank account as it is being done on my Visa.

The current server rental that NPF and the NPF Torrent Tracker are on will expire on 27th January so I have until then so ensure everything has transferred over smoothly!


The Full List of Glorious Donors

I would like to extend a very warm thank you to all of the people below who were generous enough to donate money so that NPF can go on existing for the next 6 months.

Note: the amounts shown are the amounts donated less the transaction fee and then converted into US Dollars using exchange rates as of 27/12/2006.


Donated (USD$)

Nicholas Hawes$94.12
Keith Jordan$48.92
Carter Broome$47.75
Ola Simonsson$47.75
Richard Allen$46.86
Brenda Stones$37.58
Gerrit ten Elshof$31.24
FWM Broers-meester$31.24
Chris Bell$27.96
Patrick d’Argence$24.90
Michael Glynn$23.72
David Schindler$23.72
Wolfgang Meentz$23.72
Mike Ellsworth$18.92
Claudio Zamana$18.92
Paula Fye$18.92
Cindy Dyrness$18.92
Peter Gostkowski$18.92
genevieve le bas$18.56
Peter Puyk$18.56
William Turner$18.51
Neil Leacy$18.51
Ben Brough$18.51
Michael King$18.51
dave marsden$18.51
Jeff Fitzgerald$14.11
Randy Honeycutt$14.11
Maciej Zietek$12.22
Fernando Sousa$12.22
Wilma Kampman$12.22
Mark Venema$12.22
Chris Kamis$9.31
John Waters$9.31
Jason Goddard$9.06
Stewart Maton$9.06
Richard Kelly$9.06
Michael Curtis$9.06
Eoin McGonagle$9.00
Alessandro Cavanna$5.88
Dominic Cordisco$4.50
Tom Sanville$4.50
Stephanie Remenek$4.50
Marcelo C Lecour$4.50
Patrick van den Udenhout$3.35


Sources: [ NPF ]