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Gilmour’s Venice Shows Re-Scheduled

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Gilmour's Venice Shows Rescheduled
Two concerts cancelled due to scaffolding giving way

David Gilmour’s concerts which were set to take place at the Piazza San Marco in Venice on the 4th and 5th August 2006 were, of course, cancelled just before the sound check began on the 4th around 5pm.

Destroyed scaffolding
Above: Structural damage to the stage caused concerts to be re-scheduled (Photos: Stefano Tarquini)

Structural faults were blamed for the cancellation as the photo to the right shows! The scaffolding gave way! The scaffolding was erected by a reputable local company but, when the left supporting beam that holds the top part of the stage up gave way, there was no possibility of the concert going on! The structure became unsafe for the performers, audience and passers by.

The stage was dismantled carefully during the 36 hours after the stage was deemed unsafe under supervision of the Venice Fire Service.

With the helpful co-operation of the Mayor and Council of Venice, it was possible to speedily re-arrange the concerts, now scheduled for Friday and Saturday, 11th & 12th August, in the hope that most original ticket holders will still be able to attend. If that is sadly not possible, a full refund will be available at point of purchase.

The information in this news article is from David’s website so, if you have any queries, then you should probably contact your ticket vendor or someone on David’s website. Additionally, feel free to discuss these cancellation on the forum.

Gilmour's Venice Shows Rescheduled


Re-Scheduled Dates and What To Do Next!

If your ticket is for Friday 4th August, it is valid in exactly the same seat on Friday 11th August.

If your ticket is for Saturday 5th August, it is valid in exactly the same seat on Saturday 12th August.

If you have a ticket for Friday 4th August (now valid for August 11th), but you are not able to attend on the 11th, please go to the box office at the edge of the Piazza San Marco on the evening of Saturday 12th, and exchange your ticket for one for the 12th. It cannot be the same as your original seat, but it will be the best one available. No tickets will be switched after 8PM.

If you have a ticket for Saturday 5th August, (now valid for August 12th), but you are not able to attend on the 12th, please go to the box office at the edge of the Piazza San Marco on the evening of Friday 11th, and exchange your ticket for one for the 11th. It cannot be the same as your original seat, but it will be the best one available. No tickets will be switched after 8PM.

It cannot be predicted exactly what seats will be available on each night, but the Venice council have granted extra capacity for the shows, so anyone with a ticket should be able to get in. Please do note that if you wish to swap nights your new seat cannot be guaranteed to be in the same position as the seat you were originally allocated.

However, the above arrangements should at least give ticket holders the best possible opportunity of being able to attend one of the shows.

Sign telling people show is off due to technical problems


The Gilmour’s In Venice

David And Polly had a good wander around Venice according to website PinkFloydianI.It.

They also did a press conference at The Casino of Venice speaking of the charitable donation David is giving from proceeds from the concerts in aid of the war relief charity Emergency.

Below is a photo of the Casino of Venice in which David and Polly are at a press conference.

David and Polly at Casino of Venice

David and Polly below getting ready to board one of those great water taxis!

David and Polly at Casino of Venice

Below, David and Polly make their get away on to their next location!

David and Polly at Casino of Venice

Sources: [ David Gilmour – Stefano Tarquini ]