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New David Gilmour and Syd Barrett Albums – Win in October Competition

LinksEnter Competition | Follow us on Twitter @neptunepinkfloy and retweet our competition post below!

This coming Monday October 11th 2010 sees the release of two new albums that should be of interest to David Gilmour and Syd Barrett fans! The Orb Featuring David Gilmour will release Metallic Spheres and An Introduction to Syd Barrett will also be released!

How to Win Syd Barrett’s New Album

An Introduction to Syd Barrett CD 2010October’s prize in the NPF Competition is a copy of An Introduction to Syd Barrett CD! It has been re-produced by Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour and he even went so far as to add some new tracks to some recordings!

Syd Barrett of course is a founding member of Pink Floyd and wrote their first album and had some success with his solo career.

You can win the CD by entering the October 2010 competition. The winner is drawn in November.

Enter Competition

How to Win David Gilmour’s Metallic Spheres

David Gilmour Metallic Spheres CD 2010I thought it would be a good idea to have another competition this October as there is another album being released this Monday too! The Orb Featuring David Gilmour will release Metallic Spheres. Read more about Metallic Spheres and pre-order in the UK or Rest of World.

How to Enter Competition

In order to enter the competition, you must…

  1. Follow us on Twitter @neptunepinkfloy
  2. And then retweet our competition tweet “Follow @neptunepinkfloy and retweet this post to win David Gilmour’s new album!! Info” which you can find out our Twitter page. Just hover your mouse over our post then click Retweet bottom right!
  3. A winner from those who are following “@neptunepinkfloy” and have retweeted the post will be selected in early November.

If you unsubscribed from @neptunepinkfloy in the past because of too many tweets happening, this has stopped now. I had set it so that the last 5 topics on the forum were posted to it every hour. I have switched this off now so please rejoin!