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Nick Mason “In Conversation” at Borders – Tickets on Sale Now

Nick With Inside Out Box Set Collectors Edition from Genesis Publications

Nick With Inside Out Box Set Collectors Edition from Genesis Publications

Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason will be participating at an “In Conversation” event for Borders book store.

The event takes place on Thursday 12th June 2014 in Melrose on the Scottish Borders where Nick will be interviewed by comedian Rory Bremner.

Tickets are priced at £10 (£8 with concessions) and more information about the event can be found on the Borders Book Festival website.

Nick Mason wrote the book Inside Out: A Personal History of Pink Floyd which is an excellent document of the history of Pink Floyd as seen through the eyes of Nick Mason. Perhaps the views expressed in the book are not necessarily the views shared by Roger Waters and David Gilmour who famously fell out many moons ago.

Nick Mason certainly is the archivist of the band and I bet he has all sorts of flyers, programmes, personal photographs which document the lives of Pink Floyd members and history. I bet he has all sorts of demo tapes, live concert recordings and all other kinds of goodies. Although many of these goodies have been shared, and much of his stash is probably considered boring or insignificant by some, I do think it would be a terribly good idea for him to set up a website and digitise the lot of it for us fans to mull over. Yes, I’m convinced of that.

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