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Nick Mason Live 8 Interview Video

As part of the publicity following Pink Floyd and Roger Waters revelation that they would re-unite for a gig at Live 8 next month on 2nd July, Nick Mason (Floyd drummer) was interviewed for ITV news. You can download the video and read the transcript below.

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Transcript between James Mates and Nick Mason

Mates: They’re resisted every effort to get back together, until Bob Geldof got on the phone…

Mason: He was really looking for a real novelty act! To reconstitute this particular line-up of this particular band, was a great idea, and it was really Bob promoting this.

Mates: He got on the phone to you all?

Mason: Yeah. He started with David, and then he worked his way around. I think he was probably as surprised as we were!

Richard Curtis said to me, ‘Well, look, if the Pink Floyd can agree on what to play, surely the G8 summit can agree on what to do, to sort out Africa’.

Mates: The band have agreed to play four of their classic numbers. Which ones, we’ll have to wait and see…

Mason: Hopefully they’ll be fairly slow numbers, because at my advanced stage I don’t want anything too fast!

Mates: What are your hopes for the day?

Mason: I think a bit like the original Live Aid – what one would like, is for it to be utterly memorable; for everyone who was there to remember it as a really important and great event.

Source: [ ITV ]