Important Note for NPF Newsletter Subscribers!
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If you are a subscriber to the NPF Newsletter, then please read this note carefully!
You may be aware that the NPF website now has a new server/computer which makes the website appear on your computer screen! Well, it now has a new “IP address” which means emails from [email protected] may no longer get through to your inbox without a little help from yourself!
The last newsletter was sent yesterday (3rd January 2009). If it did not arrive in your inbox, please read on.
Action Required from You
Action 1: You must add [email protected] to your “contact list” in your online email account. For example, on the Hotmail website, go to Contact List, New contact, and add NPF Newsletter with personal email [email protected] and click Save top left of the form! You need to do this even if you collect your email with Outlook etc. as it first goes through Hotmail in this example!
- Action 2: If you find one of our newsletters in your SPAM folder, then mark it as safe (not spam) so it goes straight to your inbox in future! Else you may miss one!
Action 3: There is a good chance you may have been un-subscribed automatically from the newsletter list! If you didn’t receive the last newsletter sent yesterday (3rd Jan 09), please make double sure you are on the newsletter list by subscribing again. You will only receive one newsletter each time they go out!
Advisory: If you no longer want to subscribe to the newsletter, click on the UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of the email. Do NOT mark as SPAM as that stops other people who want the newsletter from receiving it on the same email system you are using, like Hotmail!!
Questions or Comments?
If you have any questions like “I am using Hotmail, how do I add a contact?” or any other questions, then please do not hesitate to ask on the NPF Fofum on this thread and I, or someone else who uses your service like Hotmail, will be glad to help you out! Help?
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