NPF Visitor Donations Pay Server Fees

39 glorious visitors to NPF have kindly donated enough money to pay the websites hosting fees for the next 6 months!

The website needs a special computer to run on and make it available to everyone who wants to visit. The cost is USD $558 every 6 months. So the next 6 months are now paid for!

The Server

The website runs on a virtual dedicated server from the reliable and friendly It is their VPS 60GB server over 6 months which is USD $93 per month.


The kind people who donated are listed below. To view the list in Excel (with what everyone donated) please see this Excel spreadsheet file. The list of names is below!

Thanks to…

Dr Lance W Garmer
richard shafto
Sarah Siefert
John Dorney
Andrew Bishop
Cristiano Ghidotti
Michael King
Tery DiSandro
Robin Batley
Systems Resource Group, Inc
Stewart Maton
John Reid
noel dickens
James Chanler
vince benfield
kyle hellie
David Grenetz
Gabi Feldstein
Brian Stephenson
Matthew Reiser
Arsenio Resendes
Michael Glynn
Joel Craig
David Smith
Teresa Northrop
Lucio Cammarata
ken tierney
Paul Webster
Viðar Örn Víkingsson
Matthew Bradford Vyse
Emma Wheeler
Christina Waller
Daniele Arduini
Gunnar Radberg
Andy Ditchfield
linda farlow
Robin Felton
Jeff Fitzgerald
Keith Jordan

Sources: [ NPF ]