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Pink Floyd Reunion Talk from Nick Mason

Links –  BBC 6 Music Interview with Nick Mason on Reunion | Discuss on Forum | Pink Floyd Reunion Photos from Live 8

Pink Floyd Reunion
Pink Floyd at Hyde Park, 2005, Reunion Concert for Live 8

Will Pink Floyd play a reunion concert again? That is the question on many fans minds and is also on the mind of Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason also!

In an interview with BBC 6 Music, Nick said, “No one has said we will never work (together) again.”

However, that does not mean we should expect a full Pink Floyd tour anytime soon:

“I think it is very unlikely we are going to go out on tour however I live in hope we would absolutely do another Live 8 or play together for the right reasons,” Nick told 6 Music.

The band recently turned down a charity performance which would have meant the surviving members reforming for the first time in five years after they learned it would take place in the home of the ex-wife of retired Pakistani cricketer, Imran Khan.

Now Roger Waters is touring in Europe with The Wall starting again tonight in Lisbon (21 March) and Nick Mason is keen to witness it for himself.

Speaking to Adrian Larkin he explains what would need to happen to get them to perform together again. Take a listen to the interview on the BBC 6 Music website.

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Source [ BBC 6 Music, Nick Mason ]