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Pink Floyd Tsunami Raffle Update!

The Pink Floyd Tsunami Raffle (organised by Col Turner from has now stopped accepting donations as of 21st February 2005. The raffle draw is set to commence in March but may be pushed back to April as much publicity is being generated by the likes of the BBC, various radio stations worldwide and MOJO magazine!

Although many charities have now encouraged people to stop donating money to the various emergency response charities involved in the Tsunami crisis, the Pink Floyd Tsunami raffle will still go ahead and has collected over 90 highly sought after Floydian artifacts!

Very Special Raffle!

Signed DSotM 30th Anniversary Edition - All 4 members!Pink Floyd’s management has kindly donated a very rare artifact: a signed copy of the 30th Anniversary Release of The Dark Side of the Moon. The thing that makes this item highly collectible is the fact that, as well as Gilmour, Mason and Wright, Roger Waters himself has also signed it. I believe there are only 4 of these in the world so makes this highly collectible!! It comes with a certificate of authenticity!

How The Raffle Will Work

Colin Turner of has organised the raffle from Australia and so “donations” (which will earn you raffle tickets) will be denominated in Australian Dollars. The donations will be collected using the highly reputable service owned and run by eBay.

More news about how exactly things will run will be given in a couple of weeks so make sure you have registered at and that you are a subscriber to the Neptune Pink Floyd Newsletter to remain informed.

To view a full list of the raffle prizes, please look on this page.

Source: [ Col Turner ]