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Roger Waters Guardian Article – Tear Down this Israeli Wall

Links Roger’s Guardian Article | Article from 2006 Roger Waters Graffitis Wall in Palestine |

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Roger Waters War on Want Photo
Roger in 2006 with his spray paint!

Roger Waters has written article for British newspaper the Guardian in which he calls for Israel to tear down their wall that blocks the Palastinian people in to a “virtual prison”.

Roger wants other artists to involve themselves in a “cultural boycott” to help highlight what Irsael is doing to the palastinians. Roger wrote, “My conviction is born in the idea that all people deserve basic human rights. This is not an attack on the people of Israel. This is, however, a plea to my colleagues in the music industry, and also to artists in other disciplines, to join this cultural boycott.”

“Artists were right to refuse to play in South Africa’s Sun City resort until apartheid fell and white people and black people enjoyed equal rights. And we are right to refuse to play in Israel until the day comes – and it surely will come – when the wall of occupation falls and Palestinians live alongside Israelis in the peace, freedom, justice and dignity that they all deserve.”

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Source – [ Guardian ]