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Syd Barrett Record Breaking Artwork SOLD

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Syd Barrett 1960s Mosaic

Syd Barrett 1960s Mosaic up for Auction on eBay

A mosaic with title “Two Warriors” made by the late Roger Keith “Syd” Barrett in the 1960 has been sold on eBay for £10,700 after receiving 119 bids. The item was won by eBay user omweso at 4:40pm GMT today!

In the previous auction of November 2006, which raised £119,890 overall, the item which received the highest bid was the still life with Lemons painting which fetched £9,500. 

This obviously means that the mosaic pictured right is the highest selling piece of artwork by artist, songwriter and musician Syd Barrett!

The proceeds of the sale are to help raise funds to establish the Syd Barrett Centre for Arts in Mental Health in Syd’s hometown of Cambridge.

The mosaic has a thin wooden frame, also made by Syd Barrett, and comes with a letter of authencity signed by Rosemary Breen (nee Barrett), Syd Barrett’s sister.

More details about Syd Barrett and The Syd Barrett Trust can be found at

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Sources – [ eBay, NPF News, Cheffins Auction house ]