Tagged: Bob Klose

Bob Klose

Bob Rado Klose Biography

Bob Klose was a guitarist and photographer who was briefly a member of the English rock band Pink Floyd. However, Klose left the band before their rise to international fame, and he is not considered to be one of the core members of the band. After leaving Pink Floyd, Klose pursued a career as a professional photographer and became known for his portraits of musicians and artists. From Rado’s website Getting Here: I was born...

Before They Were Pink Floyd – A History of the Band Pre Floyd

Before They Were Pink Floyd – A History of the Band Pre Floyd

A brief look at the bands the Pink Floyd members were part of before the Pink Floyd formed and started going places! Feel free to discuss this article on the forum when read. ———————————————————————————— Being in the right place at the right time and meeting the right people seems key to success in the music industry. A love of the new music pouring in from the USA in the form of Rhythm and Blues numbers, which allowed...