Tagged: Demo

Pink Floyd Animals Wallpaper

Listen to Rare Animals Album Demo Recordings

Three studio quality demo recordings have become available that were made as part of the process of recording Pink Floyd’s Animals album. You can listen to Sheep, Dogs and Pigs below with alternative lyrics and often completely different production.  Sheep, for example, is very similar to “Raving and Drooling” as they used to refer to it when they first started playing it live. Your humble webmaster much prefers the old live version to the final...

A Fleeting Glimpse of… Pink Floyd’s The Wall Demos

A Fleeting Glimpse of… Pink Floyd’s The Wall Demos

Pre-Order The Wall Immersion Boxset from Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.com Click to enlarge Pink Floyd The Wall Immersion Boxset Old Pink almost caught a fleeting glimpse of something quite terrible in the song Comfortably Numb from The Wall album. But Pink Floyd fans can now definitely catch a fleeting glimpse of something much better from the Immersion Boxset of The Wall album! Two of the seven discs are dedicated to The Wall being under construction and listeners can witness the album evolving...