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Tagged: PA

Storm Thorgerson and David Gilmour [Pic: Jill Furmanovsky]

The Development of Pink Floyd’s Large Rock Sound Systems: Volume 3 Out Now

Chris Hewitt from Cheshire, England, has the UK’s largest collection of Vintage audio equipment has has been documenting his experience with the development of large rock sound systems over the past few years in a 3 volume set of books. This includes the various stages of development of Pink Floyd’s sound systems. Pink Floyd set up their own sound hire company Britannia Row where you can rent professional equipment. When he it not too busy...

Pink Floyd WEM Speakers Pompeii

Live at Pompeii: Recreated in Cheshire by Chris Hewitt using WEM Equipment

The equipment used by Pink Floyd during their Live at Pompeii film recording has been recreated in a field in Northern England as part of the promotional work for a forthcoming book. The book details the large PA speaker system setups at concerts using WEM speakers and the book, of course, features Pink Floyd. They used WEM. There are 500 copies of the book being released so, if you want one, get involved. The band...