Tagged: Website

Roger Waters This Is Not A Drill Tour 2022 2023 (11)

Roger Waters Official Website Has Refresh

Roger Waters, the former bassist and “creative force” of Pink Floyd, has launched a new Roger Waters Official Website, sparking speculation about potential new projects on the horizon. His previous website was rather basic and, whilst his new one is rather basic too, I think it has definitely had a step up. Roger Waters “News” Website The news section currently features Waters’ political views. While some may argue that politics and rock stars make an...

Richard Wright Sailing on his boat, Evrika around 2001-2007

New Richard Wright Official Website

The late Pink Floyd keyboard player Richard Wright has a new official website set up, presumably by his family. The site has sections covering an “about” the site/project, interviews with and about Rick, music inspired by and most loved by Richard, a very comprehensive breakdown of his equipment through the years and various projects including gear by album, a live section featuring live videos including the beautiful Breakthrough Rick solo song from David GIlmour’s RAH...

Roger Waters Announcement

Roger’s Video about David Not Sharing Pink Floyd Website and Social Media

It would seem the disagreements between Roger Waters and David Gilmour are hotting up again as Roger has posted a new video online having a go at the fact David won’t let Roger publicise his tours, videos etc on the Pink Floyd website and social media accounts. However, the accounts routinely share readings from Novels from David’s wife and other material not connected to Pink Floyd. Roger said, amongst other things: “Why do we have...