Vernon Fitch’s New Unique Wall Book!
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External: PFV Publishing Inc. | Pink Floyd Archives
This Article: Order | /DiscussVernon Fitch has a new, unique and limited edition book coming out on 25 July 2006 with the title Comfortably Numb: A History Of The Wall.
The book was co-written with Richard Mahon and features much input from Pink Floyd members and their extensive crew!
There will only be 5,000 copies printed of the book which is bound with a beautiful hardback glossy cover, individually numbered and signed by both authours.
The book is lavishly illustrated with over 400 pictures many of which are unique to this publication.
The book benefits from being published by Vernon’s own publishing company PFA Publishing Inc which means it is not confined by commercial publishing practices. It is a book written by a highly knowledgeable fan for the fans!
In addition to this book and the forthcoming analysis of The Wall Movie, Vernon has had published the highly successful Pink Floyd Encyclopedia and The Press Reports 1963 – 1983.
Order Your Limited Edition Copy
If you want one you had best be quick as there will only ever be 5,000 printed! You can send payment by post or pay online using Details on Vernon’sPFA Publishing Inc site.
The book costs USD $39.95 plus postage and packaging.
To place an order, go to Vernon’s publishing site, find your posting costs based on where you are in the world and how many books you want, add $39.95 to it for the book and send your payment to Vernon who will then mail you your copy!
Source: [ Vernon Fitch ]