Memories of Knebworth 1975 By Freddy Bannister

Pink Floyd perform live at Knebworth 1975 as promoted by article authour Freddy Bannister. Click to enlarge. The 1975 Pink Floyd festival was without doubt my favourite out of all the festivals I promoted at Knebworth. Firstly, because Steve O’Rourke was one of the most pleasant people in the music industry with whom to work. Secondly, Steve, along with several members of the band, were like me total car nuts and thirdly, and probably most importantly to a promoter, they were prepared to work on a straight percentage. However, the event was not without its dramas! With the stage virtually finished the Floyd’s crew were busy rigging the large model aircraft that was used at one point during the performance. For maximum effect it had to fly over the heads of the audience before crashing into a corner of the stage. To achieve this effect a cable had been rigged … Continue reading Memories of Knebworth 1975 By Freddy Bannister