There will be a new album

All discussion related specifically to Roger Waters.
unamused to death
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Re: There will be a new album

Post by unamused to death »

drafsack got it in one, it's in line with Roger's other albums, ie it's the same old stuff, dull and often rehashed melodies accompanied by lyrics beating the same ol' political drum.

If you have to listen to it multiple times and listen to the tracks in different orders then it's not a very good album and you're merely trying far too hard to like something you've already emotionally invested in and which didn't live up to your expectations. I really admire Roger, but I'm almost ashamed to admit that I took a little bit of joy in the mediocrity of his new album purely after reading his distasteful comments about his former band members, and of course because I know this isn't the album the chuckle brothers on here were hoping for. If you're the man then why are your solo works so unbelievably mediocre Roger? ps I loved the "reverse karaoke" description of Roger's 'live' shows, it's absolutely true.

Can I just say the reaction on the last 2 pages typifies this place and typifies why you'll never get much traffic here. When you're trolling away having sly dig's at Gilmour it's perfectly fine, instead those reacting to the bait will be punished while the perpetrators laying it are allowed to continue. But if you legitimately don't care for something Roger has done suddenly "you'd already decided you didn't like it before you even heard it". Why is it that idiots like danielcaux and flathead get a free reign to peddle this nonsense while other's are sin binned? genuinely, enlighten us please.

Admin are supposed to encourage the growth of the forum, instead their astonishing lack of common sense renders it as dull and unspectacular as a Roger Waters solo album. Anyway I just thought I'd pass on my thoughts, now you can carry on with your regular scheduled programming, verbal massaging Waters whilst obsessively taking digs at The Division Bell and The Endless River. Sad sacks

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Re: There will be a new album

Post by raisemyrent »

Damn I went over to the Gilmour forums and didn't find a 47+ Page thread about rattle that lock with continuous claims of masterpiece, along with previous solo efforts thrown in for good measure. So I'm back and happy to see 2 posts in a row that make sense for a change. I share in unamused's thoughts as well; Roger did his own grave hyping it up in a hostile way. Now we're just excited it turned out to be mediocre. Now I'm not saying Gilmour's solo work isn't mediocre or somewhat dull, but a few things:
It's well crafted, it doesn't imitate pink Floyd blatantly (quite the opposite), he doesn't talk it up at all. You take it or leave it and there is no one trying really hard for you to like it and for it to be recognised up there with the classic albums.

Speaking of talking it up, has Roger given any interviews about the album? Anything about the concept, the thoughts, the composition etc? Usually something like that accompanies a release. He talked it up a bit beforehand but was keeping it under wraps as well. I know he's on tour but I assume he's likely to catch up with some journalist along the way soon. Would be interesting to hear more about it. Namely why he decided to make it the most floyd sounding album of his yet.

Last but not least, he talked about a unifying concept for the live shows etc along with the overall album message. Any updates? Looked at a couple videos and it looked pretty similar to his last shows to me, big screen behind, tonnes of musicians, and that's about it. I assume a pig st some point. Do they still do the laser prism?
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Re: There will be a new album

Post by azza200 »

raisemyrent wrote:Damn I went over to the Gilmour forums and didn't find a 47+ Page thread about rattle that lock with continuous claims of masterpiece, along with previous solo efforts thrown in for good measure. So I'm back and happy to see 2 posts in a row that make sense for a change. I share in unamused's thoughts as well; Roger did his own grave hyping it up in a hostile way. Now we're just excited it turned out to be mediocre. Now I'm not saying Gilmour's solo work isn't mediocre or somewhat dull, but a few things:
It's well crafted, it doesn't imitate pink Floyd blatantly (quite the opposite), he doesn't talk it up at all. You take it or leave it and there is no one trying really hard for you to like it and for it to be recognised up there with the classic albums.

Speaking of talking it up, has Roger given any interviews about the album? Anything about the concept, the thoughts, the composition etc? Usually something like that accompanies a release. He talked it up a bit beforehand but was keeping it under wraps as well. I know he's on tour but I assume he's likely to catch up with some journalist along the way soon. Would be interesting to hear more about it. Namely why he decided to make it the most floyd sounding album of his yet.

Last but not least, he talked about a unifying concept for the live shows etc along with the overall album message. Any updates? Looked at a couple videos and it looked pretty similar to his last shows to me, big screen behind, tonnes of musicians, and that's about it. I assume a pig st some point. Do they still do the laser prism?
yes to all
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Re: There will be a new album

Post by raisemyrent »

Cheers. I just noticed he's basically doing the whole of the dark side with the exception of on the run. That album sure gets played live eh
Jimi Dean Barrett
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Re: There will be a new album

Post by Jimi Dean Barrett »

Please please stop fighting! I also love Rattle That Lock and my aligance is to new Pink Floyd material from former members!
Got the album but I had poetry in Liverpool tonight so went there and not had a chance to hear it yet.
I have been told by a Facebook friend of Roger's fury that the CD distorts at high volume! Interesting...
Bet you he doesn't say "Oh that was a bad cut! If you listen to the second pressing the sibilance isn't there!".

And although Roger was an inspiration when I started writing, I feel I surpass him as a writer myself! I've stopped swearing in my stuff for a start.
When my book gets launched on the 4th of July I'll use this forum to make it a thread!
But I now return you to the thread.

unamusedtodeath, really regrettable you feel like that and hope you reconsider and post again.
Considering the acrimony between the band in the 80's it's not surprising the forum is lively!
That is for all the forum users who still use the forum, have ever used the forum, or are just browsing too intimidated to register.
Kerry King
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Re: There will be a new album

Post by Kerry King »

Pink Floyd is not worth fighting over.

Enjoy the new album if you enjoy it. Just don't try to fool me. The album is the ghost of a smile.

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Re: There will be a new album

Post by danielcaux »

Yeah, we get it: some of you don't like Roger Waters' music at all and some others even hate the man. Some others just think it's a talentless hack. Ok. Understood. No problem. So now that that has been already said ad nauseam, can we now move over and discuss some more interesting things?

Like what, are your favorites musical moments from the album?

I have been listening to the album none stop since the weekend (like 20 times at least!) and I'm really loving the instrumental playing on it. Hearing Roger playing the bass in Smells The Roses is really satisfying. That bass has been hugely missed since 1979 . And there's a part in Bird In A Gale where the bass does this propulsive thing just before Roger kicks off the singing... It's awesome! And the strings in the background in that song are so good, reminds me a lot of Climbing Up The Walls from Ok Computer. The radio announcements at the beginning are also a great touch, they really put you on the right mood for the song.

And Roger's lyrics delivery on the title track... Man! he's no rapper but he sure got some groovy flow on that one. I love the part near the end where he completely changes the rhythm and melody. It's unlike any other thing he has done befofe. Really love to hear Roger experimenting and trying new things. Those two songs are the heart of the album for me.
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Re: There will be a new album

Post by Wolfpack »

Kerry King wrote:Pink Floyd is not worth fighting over.
Oh yes, Pink Floyd is definitely worth fighting over!
:smt071 :smt068 :smt072 :smt063

There should be a Pink Floyd video game for this.
The Waters fanboys versus The Gilmour fanboys,
and the Barrett veterans versus them all! :smt066

Or maybe a forum meeting somewhere on a field,
Grandchester Meadows maybe,
to fight each other in real life! :smt062

For a Barrett veteran, alias "true Pink Floyd fan",
Waters and Gilmour are just all the same.
- Who made the one and only true Pink Floyd album? It's Barrett!
- Who made interesting solo albums? It's Barrett!

So, now all humbly go back to your dull elevator muzak
made by artistically retired, uninspired old money grabbers,
and never mention the name Pink Floyd in vain again! [-X

Barrett forever! <ii>
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Re: There will be a new album

Post by Follix »

Kerry King wrote: Gilmour's albums are no better but he's less annoying as a human being..
Gilmour solo: Floyd on valium

Waters solo: Sounds nothing like Floyd beside lyrics and cheesy rehashes

I really don't get the fuzz around RW tho, especially around his shows, it's now confirmed that he uses lip-syncing (It was kind of obvious since he was terrible at live 8 but nailing vocals night after night 10 years later... Yeah sure) and I even have doubt about his bass sound now... So it's just like a big cover band featuring pre-recorded vocals but there isn't nothing here that other cover bands can't do so why pay 3 times the price?
Jimi Dean Barrett
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Re: There will be a new album

Post by Jimi Dean Barrett »

Loving Wolfpack's idea! :lol:
And for everyone else, can we turn the battle onto those posts advertising casinos and elderly porn or whatever the fuck they said it was?
Think of the children!!!
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Annoying Twit
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Re: There will be a new album

Post by Annoying Twit »

Well, I've listened to it, and I think it's a great album.

No, it's not moving the goalposts dramatically, and does make frequent references backwards. But, Roger is 73. In other news in addition to a 73 year old musician releasing an album that references his past career, water is wet and bears defecate in the woods.

It's full of quality songs and it's arranged and performed very well.
Jimi Dean Barrett
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Re: There will be a new album

Post by Jimi Dean Barrett »

On third relisten. Ha ha I skipped The Most Beautiful Girl so render all my points invalid!
I love how Wait For Her is the first poetry interpretation since Syd's "Golden Hair"!
Written by the late Palestinian Poet Mahmoud Darwish no less!
That may have got overlooked.
I like how the title track goes into a cockney voice nearer the end.
I'll be listening to it a lot more but already it's gone from brilliant to really good!
And the booklet had some great pictures.

Whether you wanted this life or not you got a Roger Waters album. That's all I can say really.
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Re: There will be a new album

Post by pfandrogerfan »

The division between Waters & Gilmour fans expressed here is confusing.

I'm a big fan of Roger's values, song-writing & lyrics within PF and his solo career. This doesn't mean I mindlessly praise everything he's done* and every action he's ever taken, or insult the other members of PF.

Gilmour acknowledges Roger's contribution:
Interviewer (paraphrasing): "It wasn't ... felt like it was Roger Waters group?"

Gilmour: "I've never felt that ... and I know a lot of people do think that ... it's understandable you know, he's had the majority of the writing credits and has written all the lyrics for everything we've done for the last ten years, and he you know he certainly deserves more credit within it than I do. But that's not to say ... I think my part is vital to making it what it is as well."
No disagreement from me. Fact is, some exceptional musicians had disagreements about the direction of their future music and went their own ways. Gilmour is 'cheerfully fatalistic'. Roger is 'dismally realistic' (?). Don't hate on either of them because of their personal experiences and preferences.


*Aside from the last three tracks on Radio K.A.O.S (Home, Four Minutes, The Tide is Turning), I find the album almost unlistenable. I dislike its 'popular' 80's synth sound immensely.

Pros and Cons is not up to the same standard as The Final Cut, but is much better than 'K.A.O.S'.

Amused To Death is incredibly underrated. Not merely because 'Roger says so', but because it sounds more like PF than any of the other post-PF solo albums and contains the same biting lyrics as the classics. It is musically more subtle - some may say less grandiose, less 'showy', more 'ordinary' - than The Wall, but it is equally well made. The lyrics are precise and acidic. They focus on some of the same themes as previous records but with different historical references. Nothing much changes. Appreciation of this record in particular (and ITTLWRW to some degree) may be increased by reading Neil Postman's prophetic book.

I agree with Gilmour (and the other members of PF?) that 'When The Tigers Broke Free' was too personal to appear on The Wall. The album is auto-biographical, but strengthened by its universal themes. This is not to say that 'Tigers' is a bad song. It is incredibly emotional and powerful. Its seamless appearance on the re-issue of The Final Cut ('Spare Bricks') is more appropriate and adds greatly to that album.

"To Kill The Child" was the only stand-out track to me before the new album. The other songs Roger released since ATD were not so good.

A Momentary Lapse of Reason is bad. The Division Bell... I like quite a lot. :)

While I may not listen to his solo records I wouldn't ever say a bad word about Gilmour. I love his contributions to PF. What is it with all this partisanship and s**t-talking!? Sad.
Last edited by pfandrogerfan on Thu Jun 08, 2017 3:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Annoying Twit
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Re: There will be a new album

Post by Annoying Twit »

The two most recent solo albums tell us a lot about the ingredients that made up Pink Floyd.

We can hear what Dave does on Rattle That Lock, we can hear what Roger does on Is This The Life We Really Want? On both albums we can hear the lasting influence of Rick in the keyboards. Played by others, but I hear something of Rick.

If they both could and wanted to work together, then the result would be wonderful. But, the two albums they've done apart are in my opinion pretty damn good. The glass of water is 3/4 full.

I thought I was going to make a playlist to mix the albums up to make a mid-2010s 'PF' album. But having heard the albums, I no longer want to. I want to play both.

So, for me, it's not Rog versus Dave. It's Rog doing his thing, and Dave doing his thing. And I like both.

Having listened to ITTLWRW? twice today, I'm listening to RTL now.
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Re: There will be a new album

Post by raisemyrent »

Interesting. To me, the Roger stuff is very clearly the direction pink Floyd would've gone had he still been around. It is actually the same direction (more like musical dead end) it went at the end of the 70s. At the same time, I don't really hear any floyd in the Gilmour solo albums. No real tracks that could've been made to be in a Floyd album. Half of AMLOR is the same even (for other reasons), but oddly enough, with Gilmour actually having the option of deciding which tracks could and could not be Floyd, he's kept his stuff separate because I for one think that musically they are. They are not a continuation of the musical ideas from TDB or otherwise, and a lot of the tracks are almost experimental for him with respect to the styles, instrumentation etc (pocketful of stones, when I close my eyes, this heaven, yellow dress, etc). I respect that he's done it on his own instead of declaring Floyd his band/outlet. And I respect the music, but rarely do I long for it or play it on its own. If it starts, I'll finish it and that's about it. Notable exceptions are in no order: in any tongue, beauty, murder, the end of there's no way out of here, near the end, red sky at night. All of those either I like or they could've been shaped into a Floyd song no problem.

As an aside, Roger isn't doing anything out of pros and cons and very little if anything out of amused and kaos eh? And very little from the wall too (I'd swap Vera over virtually any other song except boys back home)