Rick's addiction

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Post by moom »

The Ballad Of Pink Floyd wrote:Rick was, after Syd, the druggiest Floyd his drug addict became critical from 1975 (etc)
AMAZING, and it was around the time they composed Shine On, dedicated to the member, who freaked out and quit the band for the same reason - DRUGS!
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Post by Northerntube »

I must say it is refreshing to bear witness to this kind of a conversation without anyone screaming for a moderator to shut it down.

Nice one!

I just think it's naive to think that the members of a MASSIVE 1970's rock group didn't indulge in all sorts of things along the way. They just were more careful about their habits then say, Led Zeppelin. Maybe Rick developed the most prodigious appetite in light of all his personal unravellings at the time (late 70's).

As for Roger, I don't believe for a second that an egotistical man in a grey suit with aviator glasses could not be familiar with cocaine. :P
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Post by Peter Harold »

Northerntube wrote: I must say it is refreshing to bear witness to this kind of a conversation without anyone screaming for a moderator to shut it down.
That's the reason why I like this place...
As for Roger, I don't believe for a second that an egotistical man in a grey suit with aviator glasses could not be familiar with cocaine. :P
I had myself similar thoughts, but I am judging Mr Waters from the way he sounds when he speaks. Still I am only to suspect it...
Massed gadgets wrote:Under these circumstances, with nearly unlimited amounts of money at his disposal, it's not difficult to see how he could have become lost in drugs. I'm glad he was able to pull himself out of it, to become part of Pink Floyd again, and hopefully we'll hear that new album from him that's been rumoured, to get some more insight into perhaps one of the least known and quietly personal members of our favourite band.
I agree with everything that you wrote, but had to remark that everyone in the Floydz had a limited amount of money very soon, when most of their treasures was sent to Spain... ;-) And that's how we got all three members to play at "The Wall". I am pretty sure Mr Wright would have left earlier if it wasn't for the money.

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Post by TheHumanDriveInHiFi »

as much as people will try to say here that pink floyd didnt do that many drugs, i find it very very funny

you all know deep down every single one of them did their big fair share of drugs , i mean COME ON!

everyone was doing it back then, EVERYONE

they toured with jimi hendrix for gods sake, they were in the studio the same time as Sgt peppers was going on. honestly listen to some of the songs, they have to be drug influenced, the fingals cave sex version? they were prolly sittin there stoned off their ass doing funny shit with the recorder

pink floyd is just more secrative about it , Ol Mac and the rest denied it forever and forever until actually here recently he stated in an interview of all the drugs the beatles did

itll come out soon of what all they did just wait

Post by ESLAFTK2112 »

It is obvious Britney, Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan are cocaine addicts and worse drug addicts than any member of PF or Rush ever was. No one could thin out in no time without drugs it is humanly impossible (my sister is a nurse and told me this and she wouldn't lie). Lohan was bone thin for awhile cos of nose candy which reduces appetite and it wasn't cos she was not eating, it was cocaine (Nicole Richie is that thin from it as well). My uncle relapsed into using cocaine in 2006 and lost a record 60 lbs in two months and it wasn't cos of exercising, coke causes rapid weight loss. He is now in bad shape physically, mentally and financially.

I believe DG may or might have experimented with cocaine or was a recreational user (Rick stated that they were recreationally using during The Wall period whilst Roger maintained he didn't use drugs apart from Alcohol as of 1975) but with his build in the late 1980s there was no way in Hell he could have been addicted (he was bloated). If this interview was with Reuters or a major news outlet then I'd buy it but The Evening Standard is now referred to as a British tabloid (or rag as we call them in the US). The English rags are worse than American rags by a longshot. Also in one of those things they stated that Neil Peart of Rush claimed he had cancer but then he issued a statement saying that he is healthy. He responded to what the papers printed about him with and I quote "I could sue the papers but it would make me stoop to their level and at the end of the day that is the entertainment world" end quote. In other words, it's show business and he has class! Those who sue rags know their reputations have been damaged, shattered and whatever (Elton John, Britney, etc).

Cocaine thins you out and kills appetite not balloons a person. I might be wrong about this.
Last edited by ESLAFTK2112 on Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by ESLAFTK2112 »

TheHumanDriveInHiFi wrote:as much as people will try to say here that pink floyd didnt do that many drugs, i find it very very funny

you all know deep down every single one of them did their big fair share of drugs , i mean COME ON!

everyone was doing it back then, EVERYONE

they toured with jimi hendrix for gods sake, they were in the studio the same time as Sgt peppers was going on. honestly listen to some of the songs, they have to be drug influenced, the fingals cave sex version? they were prolly sittin there stoned off their ass doing funny shit with the recorder

pink floyd is just more secrative about it , Ol Mac and the rest denied it forever and forever until actually here recently he stated in an interview of all the drugs the beatles did

itll come out soon of what all they did just wait
Same with Rush. A Passage to Bangkok was supposedly about weed. There was a 1980 interview on the R30 DVD where the three Rush men were stoned off their tree.

N'Stynk, Backend Boys and New Dopes on the Block and all of those teen queens are/were WORSE drug addicts. One New Kid in fact got his ass kicked by a drug dealer trying to score some blow (an old friend of my mother who was a dope dealer (no lie) was witness but was not reported to press as it was at height of new Kid mania). It is obvious that Gaguleria, Brayonce and Bitchney Sneers are worse snorter/tokers than the PF guys were. Sneers looks 50 instead of 25.

I know Brian May was the lone drug free member of Queen. He is what almost 60 and looks 45 as he didn't smoke (still doesn't and hates smoking to the point where he banned it from venues at Queen shows), rarely drank (only had Guiness when he drank) and avoids drugs (he stated that drug use would have driven him to suicide when his father passed away and he and his wife divorced). Freddie Mercury I know did drugs from 1980-86 (in the 1970s he was clean). Roger Taylor partied hard. John Deacon was the quiet one who drank every now and then but mainly just devoted to family life. Another drug free rocker was Dennis DeYoung whose wife used to flip out on backstage personnel who offered him drugs and he always brought his wife, daughter and son on the road.
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Post by TheHumanDriveInHiFi »

for what im about to say i have absolutely no source of and i dont even know if its true

but i remember a few years ago i was in a pink floyd dc++ hub and i remember we were talking about marijuana and its legality issues

and someone brought up that there is "proof" somewhere that gilmours signature is on the petition for legalizing it in england

i have heard nothing of this before that day, and i would like to see some proof myself!

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Post by GilmourGirl »

everton1690 wrote:
everton1690 wrote:Edit: You can disagree but no need to be rude about it- David

there was absolutely nothing said offending anybody

just stating facts

has rick rog nick or dave ever said anything about addictions ??? apart from the odd quote of , we done a bit of acid , weed or coke

????????????? :roll:
man, my first night on here, and i have to ask, do they HAVE to say anything about their addictions? they're fine now, they don't owe anyone an explanation.
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Post by alma »

GilmourGirl, I totally agree with you.
It's human wanting to know if, when and why but at least, it is their business.
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Post by orange floyd »

Okay, whenever the floyd come up, most people are inclined to say to me something like, 'oh man they were on some SERIOUS dope', but they've only based that on the fact that their music's pretty wierd, and not much else. I usually feel inclined to say that they weren't actually too big on that, except for Syd of course, that the, shall i say, tone of their music was quite an original influence, and as David says in Pompeii, they're not much of a dug-oriented band, i mean if he's said it, i believe him.

anyway, do you all think that it would be accurate to say that Pink Floyd weren't actually on drugs much more than most other rock musicians of the time in response to such comments?

I hope so, if only because i like the irony of it. :P
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Post by Yucateco »

orange floyd wrote:, and as David says in Pompeii, they're not much of a dug-oriented band, i mean if he's said it, i believe him.
hehe and the face he puts on and the smile says exactly the other thing... he´s completely somewhere else in those interviews sometimes, just like Waters :lol: :lol:
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Post by Hudini »

If Gilmour is 'elsewhere', Waters is on another planet on Pompeii interviews. :lol:
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Post by orange floyd »

hehe and the face he puts on and the smile says exactly the other thing...
he's a naughty boy....


which is why i like him
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Post by Creek »

Ya know, it would be a bitch for alot of us, if our lives were opened to the same scrutiny as celebrities, such as the four Floyds.
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Re: Rick's addiction

Post by dale74 »

I read in a book somewhere that Rick's addiction was heavy during the Animals and the Wall sessions and Waters supposedly wanted him sacked from the band because of it.

I think Rick was probably one of the best looking of the Floyd members...and it is sad to see the effects of his drug use over time...not aging as many expect. To a man who turned prematurely gray at an early age and very tired and sunken looking. But he is a survivor... and that's all that matters...he survived the 60's, the 70's and the 80's party lifestyle!

Roger Waters is a liar...I bet he smoked more dope during the Darkside of the Moon sessions than all of us did when we heard it for the first time! And I think one of the reasons a rock star makes a classical album is because they need a new high...and how much higher can you go than classical music... unless you are a cherub playing a harp in God's orchestra?