Pink Floyd - The Final Cut

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Re: Pink Floyd - The Final Cut

Post by Faint »

ddebil wrote:Acceleration?
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Re: Pink Floyd - The Final Cut

Post by Tbonetyler »

So I just learned the bass line for ACYL, and what's so awesome is it's really easy to do improv bass with it and it all sounds good.
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Re: Pink Floyd - The Final Cut

Post by dearboy »

I think this is a great Roger Waters album. I don't classify it as a product of Pink Floyd.
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Re: Pink Floyd - The Final Cut

Post by oldperfume »

"Not Now John" Is one of THE WORST Floyd songs EVER!! No Rick Wright on the album, 2 mini guitar solo's & a guest Drummer???This is the album Waters presented to the group at the same time he showed them the Wall. THey did the wall because it was the lesser of 2 evils at the time. I LOVE the Lyrics on TFC & the music is ok but let's face it: This is a Waters solo album; The last Floyd album is "The Wall" ......unfortunately...
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Re: Pink Floyd - The Final Cut

Post by thehumanzoo »

oldperfume wrote:"Not Now John" Is one of THE WORST Floyd songs EVER!! No Rick Wright on the album, 2 mini guitar solo's & a guest Drummer???This is the album Waters presented to the group at the same time he showed them the Wall. THey did the wall because it was the lesser of 2 evils at the time. I LOVE the Lyrics on TFC & the music is ok but let's face it: This is a Waters solo album; The last Floyd album is "The Wall" ......unfortunately...
No. Roger presented some form of the Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking at the same time that he demoed the Wall.

They did the Wall because it had some brilliant ideas and music and was a new direction having exhausted space rock (1968-72) and non-storyline concept albums (1973-77). Why would you want to hear DSOTM rehashed all over again, great album though it is.

Also, as a general comment, why so often is a criticism of "The Final Cut" that it is a Roger solo album. How can that be a criticism of the quality of the music?
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Re: Pink Floyd - The Final Cut

Post by snifferdog »

I'm not much of a fan of Roger's solo work. It's not that it's bad but I prefer what he did in Pink Floyd. I like Pink Floyd for the distinctive bits that the four of them added to the music - yes, even Nick's drumming! The Final Cut just doesn't sound like Pink Floyd to my ears and while I admire it, it's hard to like the album.
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Re: Pink Floyd - The Final Cut

Post by JackRegan »

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Re: Pink Floyd - The Final Cut

Post by The Gunner's Dream »

Very descriptive!
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Re: Pink Floyd - The Final Cut

Post by princessDungan74D »

One of the most underrated Pink Floyd album ever. Enough said. [-D-]
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Re: Pink Floyd - The Final Cut

Post by Jacek »

I neglected this album for years, and have only recently finally given it the attention it deserves. And it's good! Very good, even. Yes, Rick's absence hurts (but even if he'd still been in the band, Roger wouldn't have had him do much anyway, so it's not a big deal) but the rest of the band holds up, even if the songwriting is exclusively Roger's. And that's really the main thing it suffers from: the lyrics dominate the music too much (interestingly, I don't find that to be the case with Pros & Cons or Radio KAOS - though I do think it's true of Amused to Death...). But the lyrics are amazing, and most of the songs still hold up musically nevertheless!

I love Your Possible Pasts, and think the final triad (Final Cut > Not Now John > Two Suns) is as good as some of the best Floyd in both previous releases and those to come. Two more of my favorite things about the record are that the sound samples are used extremely well (the intro to Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert is fantastic - love the story about working in the garden and ducking at the bomb sound!), and the Pros & Cons style (albeit more subtle) repeating of certain musical motifs (i.e. Postwar Dream/Southampton Dock/Final Cut, One of the Few/Not Now John... there are probably more I'm not remembering at the moment). Also (and actually, this is my favorite thing of all about the album!), all the guitar solos are absolutely STELLAR.

The only song that I still don't really care for at all is Paranoid Eyes. Hopefully it'll grow on me, though - as I said, my newfound love for that album is still just that, newfound!

However, I should probably add here that between the two "Floyd solo records" (not exactly a designation I care for, but very many people think about the two in these terms, so whatevs), I prefer A Momentary Lapse of Reason.

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Re: Pink Floyd - The Final Cut

Post by maxwas »

I loved the final cut as a kid, but the more I got into the band and the feud I point blank refused to listen to it as I came down on the Gilmour side of things. However I was at Aussie Floyd gig last may and they done a blinding version of Fletcher Memorial, which I don't mind admitting, made me rather emotional. 20 years later I'm hooked again and I've come to appreciate DG's solos on Final Cut as among his best.

All things aside, I think we should appreciate the Final Cut for being the end to a historic chapter in modern music, it's just a pity poor Rick wasn't there.
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Re: Pink Floyd - The Final Cut

Post by Djgilmour »

This album is ok. Not a great album, not a bad album. But it does contain one of the 5 best songs ever recordedby Pink Floyd: " the Final Cut "

I'd pay Roger and Dave $100 to perform it live in my living room. yes, it's THAT good.
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Re: Pink Floyd - The Final Cut

Post by mastaflatch »

Djgilmour wrote:This album is ok. Not a great album, not a bad album. But it does contain one of the 5 best songs ever recordedby Pink Floyd: " the Final Cut "

I'd pay Roger and Dave $100 to perform it live in my living room. yes, it's THAT good.
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Re: Pink Floyd - The Final Cut

Post by Jimi Dean Barrett »

There's stuff that's a really fitting farewell to Roger Waters.
But as well as being a Roger Waters solo album, it's also a Michael Kamen album.
Roger can jump up and down on the spot all he wants about him writing the chords, lyrics, sound effects and "counter melodies".
It was Michael Kamen who had the arrangements and was basically used to fill the gaping void left by Rick Wright in the Pink Floyd sound.
Interesting both Gilmour and Waters entrenched? Waters entrenched to his vision and concept and Gilmour was entrenched to thinking the material wasn't good enough. Not even Mason walking on eggshells helped.
Actually, I've just thought of a good thread idea...
How did their management let them fall into such disrepair in the first place?

Two Suns In The Sunset, Your Possible Pasts, The Gunner's Dream, The Fletcher Memorial Home.
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Re: Pink Floyd - The Final Cut

Post by bigV »

Possibly the finest poetry I have ever read in my life in any of the three languages in which I am fluent.
