rockfenris2005 wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 6:08 pm
I feel like I haven't posted here in more than a decade. I cringe at the thought at how embarrassing some of my older posts are, when I was a kid, so apologies lol.
I love that there are people who get to use that explanation legitimately. I was in my freaking 30s when I joined this board, so I don't get to. *shrug*
Fortunately, I don't think anything I posted in the past is too embarrassing. I mean, not to me, anyway. I'm sure there are many who feel that I SHOULD be embarrassed.
things up here are good, life continues anyway. delighted to catch nick mason last year doing his 'saucerful' tour... amazing show !
my kids are at slightly different levels than yours, eldest is 28 and youngest is 13 (it doesnt get any easier , but they grow up so damn quickly ill advise you to enjoy every moment!)
anyway, good to hear that youre still vertical , keep up the good fight !