Wish You Were Here Immersion Edition Discussion

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Re: Wish You Were Here Immersion Edition Discussion

Post by jambo »

danielcaux wrote:Pigs On The Wing Part 2 with Snowy's guitar solo in THIS quality! =P~ [-o<
Just an FYI, the studio version of Pigs on the Wing Part 2 on the 8 track release of Animals had Snowy doing the extended guitar solo if you can track it down. I it's also on one of Snowy White's Goldtop compilation release.
danielcaux wrote:
jambo wrote:I just realised that I can take the 3 live tracks from the WYWH box set and play them before the live set of DSotM and have almost a complete official 1974 concert.
Almost, yes. Although it would be more like an official "best of" the 1974 Wembley nights, not just a single concert. But that's how Floyd do things anyway, same thing happened with The Wall Live.

Jambo, I'm curious, do the Wembley songs from Disc 2 of WYWH "flow" nicely from one to the next? Or do they have abrupt cuts or fade outs between?
It's all seamless. At the end of Shine On Roger says "thank you" and then the crowd keeps clapping and cheering and Raving and Drooling kicks in. At the end of Raving and Drooling the crowd claps and cheers then quietens down a bit and You've Got To Be Crazy kicks in. There may be a little less gap between the songs than on bootlegs, but there are no abrupt cuts or fades thankfully!
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Re: Wish You Were Here Immersion Edition Discussion

Post by J Ed »

also missing is the Jimmy Young radio loop they used to open every other show I heard from this tour
I was never really expecting it anyway, but it is more like 3/4 of a concert theyve given us
(and I'll keep my thoughts about paying the price of two double cd sets for one incomplete concert to myself)

heres the other odd thing: every other show from 74/75 I heard they opened with Raving & Drooling, and closed w Shine On
on this cd Shine On comes first
did they actually switch up the setlist that night or did they resequence the three tracks for this release?
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Re: Wish You Were Here Immersion Edition Discussion

Post by danielcaux »

Appearently on November 15th they opened with Shine On and then follow it with Raving And Drooling.
http://www.pf-db.com/index.php?concert_ ... leg_id=396

But since these versions probably aren't even coming from the same night chances are that they just reordered the tracks. The first half of songs from the Wembley DSoTM come from the 16th and the second half from the 15th.
Some interview with Andy Jackson wrote:AJ: We used two different nights recording for the album. Essentially it splits as ‘side one’ and ‘side two’, we switch nights at Money. I did occasionally use bits & pieces from the other night for fixes, vocals mostly. If you accept that in order to make a compelling record, it needs to be free from things that will break the spell too much, and a sour note would do. With current technology we can re-pitch things, but the spill problem meant that if we did, you’d hear the re-pitched spill on the vocal, and that spill would be out of tune. Consequently, it was better to use the other night as an insert. The only addition was on the intro of Time where we added in the heartbeat. They hadn’t played it on the night, and it is so much part of the fundamental rhythm I thought it was a liberty that was justified. I mixed it quite a bit quieter than the balance on the original album, enough to do the job but not drawing attention to itself.

SDE: The concert in the box is actually from two nights – could you be more specific in terms of which songs were from which nights?

AJ: Side one was from the 16th [November 1974], side two the 15th.
jambo wrote:It's all seamless... There may be a little less gap between the songs than on bootlegs, but there are no abrupt cuts or fades thankfully!
Oh, good news then!
jambo wrote:Just an FYI, the studio version of Pigs on the Wing Part 2 on the 8 track release of Animals had Snowy doing the extended guitar solo if you can track it down. I it's also on one of Snowy White's Goldtop compilation release.
Yeah, the 8 track version is the one to get. The Goldtop version is a different mix and the guitar solo sounds a little unnatural on there, kinda patched in and overblown. I also believe that the guitar solo fits better at the end of Part 2, like they used to play it live, than as a bridge between Part 1 & 2. My perfect version of Animals would run like this:

POTW2 + solo
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Re: Wish You Were Here Immersion Edition Discussion

Post by mville »

I have the WYWH Immersion box (Made In The EU).

On playing the Blu Ray 5.1 mix I get 2 audible glitches (like vinyl pops) on track 5 (shine On You Crazy Diamond Parts 6-9) at 43min 55secs and at 44min 10 secs out of the Front Left speaker only.

Anyone else getting this?


Further to this post, I have contacted EMI Music UK and they are investigating the issues with the manufacturer. Expect new Bluray discs to be pressed in the near future.
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Re: Wish You Were Here Immersion Edition Discussion

Post by petediscrete »

Ok I never had any intention of buying the Immersion box sets.The last box set I bought of PF was Shine On in vinyl and I'm afraid thats as far as it goes.

I have to say both the Experience version DSOTM and WYWH live material is a joy to listen to after the years of listening to that awful bootleg stuff.Surely in these straightened economical times we could all do without the the frills and get straight to the "previously unreleased" material.That was all we needed.

Enough is enough.The famous words "we heard about the sell-out we've got to get an album out" rings throughout this whole exercise.Its all becoming a little too "X Factorish" with the marbles, coasters and scarves. C'mon folks are PF being managed by Louis Walsh now.Next thing you know they will be the guest act in the X Factor final.

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Re: Wish You Were Here Immersion Edition Discussion

Post by bmet »


I assume the "clear" (almost fluid) appearance relates to one of the 4 elements (water)? Perhaps the theme of "absence"!? :-k ?????
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Re: Wish You Were Here Immersion Edition Discussion

Post by petediscrete »

I'd doubt it was anything as profound as that.As I said already just give us the previously unreleased material or failing that just release the masters and we can mix them any way we like. 5.1, Quad, Blu Ray, DVD etc.The next thing you know they will release the silent version on CD and before you know it fans will swear they can hear something new on it.

Shine on You Crazy Diamonds.
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Re: Wish You Were Here Immersion Edition Discussion

Post by Stephen »

Got my Experience WYWH discs this morning and they are ok.
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Re: Wish You Were Here Immersion Edition Discussion

Post by [pablorkcz] »

bmet wrote:Marbles?

I assume the "clear" (almost fluid) appearance relates to one of the 4 elements (water)? Perhaps the theme of "absence"!? :-k ?????
I was thinking that they looked like fish bowls as in "swimming in a".
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Re: Wish You Were Here Immersion Edition Discussion

Post by azza200 »

Having listened too Raving and Drooling and You Gotta Be Crazy on youtube, all i have too say is WOW OMFG this is more awesome and epic then the DSOTM set. Eargasmic excellent job on the remixing and remastering of the Wembley shows.
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Re: Wish You Were Here Immersion Edition Discussion

Post by J Ed »

after a few listenings Im starting to get used to Stephane Grappeli's contribution
first listening, it sounded so random and tacked on because everythings already there
a few listenings later I hear tha logic of where he's going, and the familiar music is starting to seem like rhythmic accompaniment to a solo that was always missing
his first and last notes still seem kind of random, and I wonder if it would sound better crossfading into the windeffect like its supposed to do?
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Re: Wish You Were Here Immersion Edition Discussion

Post by jschexna »

Grappeli's part is slowly growing on me. here's a quick video of him w/ Django

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Re: Wish You Were Here Immersion Edition Discussion

Post by Keith Jordan »

I really like the ending to Raving and Drolling on Disc 2. 8)
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Re: Wish You Were Here Immersion Edition Discussion

Post by petediscrete »

I've no doubt that listening to Raving and Drooling and You Gotta Be Crazy, a double album worth of material must have been in their possession by the time they hit the studio to make Animals if that live recording was anything to go by in 1974.

Why oh why has this been locked away for so long.I'm no real fan of listening to bootlegs so that material would have passed me by until its recent appearance on YouTube.I listened once or twice and passed on it.

What was the source used to produce these versions.They are brilliant.

I got the Experience edition and haven't even played the remastered WYWH but I must admit the rest of the second CD is very interesting particularly Have A Cigar with Stephane Grapelli.To think he was born in 1908 and appears on a Pink Floyd album but according to sources wasn't credited as the mix was inaudible and Roger didn't want to insult him.Interesting.
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Re: Wish You Were Here Immersion Edition Discussion

Post by Keith Jordan »

Probably a multi-track soundboard recording from their Wembley 1974 concert. They do sound really good. I just finished disc 2 after listening to WYWH with violins in. Not sure what to think of that really.