Double Core II

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Re: Double Core II

Post by Hudini »

Annoying Twit wrote:And to complete the set of fragments I have at the moment, this was an attempt to do something with the feel of Have a Cigar but far enough away to not be a steal.
I LOVE this! [-D-] [-D-] [-D-]
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Re: Double Core II

Post by Annoying Twit »

Thanks for the feedback. The french horn melody, to my ears now it's been a while, is horrible. It has to go. The bassline and chord sequence of that one has some bits that aren't too bad, so I think I can do something with the piece overall. The fake guitar solo has a few bits that aren't too bad, but I want to extend it further and make it more like a solo. Overall it needs better phrasing, and the motion shouldn't be so often stepwise. For that fake guitar one, I think I want to make what's there a B section, and add a massive chord + guitar A section. However, it's difficult to do massive chord + guitar without sounding too much like SOYCD Pt 1, Marooned, or Castellorizon.

My strategy for this project would be to write lots of sketches, and then choose one or a few to progress further. I guess from Hudini's reaction, the clavvy one is one to progress further. I want to make some detail changes to the bassline to put a bit more variety in. Not really change the bassline, but e.g. there's one bit that goes down to a low C, and I think it should occasionally jump up to a higher C as a surprise. I'm thinking that I want to end the second repeat of the second bit on a 'surprise' chord (not obvious diatonic) possibly pivoting into a different key for a bridge.

Note: as a person, I think I respond well to negative feedback. Rip what I do to shreds, it'll benefit in the long run.

EDIT: The previous lyrics for 'It's Not You' were a falling out of love song, but PF don't really do these. The following is another attempt at lyrics for It's Not You, attempting to be a bit Final-Cut-ish. I like the more abstract imagery of the last bridge, but it doesn't fit with the song. I want to add one more verse that links that back. BTW: I imagine the 'Mmmm.... It's not you' bits to have different melodies depending on which part of the verse they're in.

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It's Not You

Who bathes in a warm glow of truth?
Mmmm... It's not you
Who gives hope to the old and the youth?
Mmmm... It's not you

        Smooth scripted words
        Their meaning unheard
        All shiny silk suit
        And black leather boots

        Mmmmm..... It's not you

Who brings peace to the burned lands of war?
Mmmm... It's not you
Who cures pestilance, famine, and more?
Mmmm.... It's not you

        A latter day Nero
        Paints himself as a hero
        The world slowly burns
        But the crowd never learns

        Mmmmm..... It's not you

Who's the savior that we all need?
Mmmm.... It's not you
Who'll stand against corruption and greed?
Mmmmm..... It's not you

        It's the death of the day
        For those who can't pay
        Its gold for the best
        Cold steel for the rest

        Mmmm.... It's not you

Who rules fairly and wisely alone?
Mmmm.... It's not you
Who will live on forever in stone?
Mmmm.... It's not you

        (guitar solo)

                A magician counts numbers and ends with five perfect squares
                An artist paints shapes of ghosts descending the stairs
                A soldier stands silent alone on a hill with his gun
                Lovers who used to be two have now become one

Who is all of the former and more?
Mmmm.... It's not you
Who's an ignorant son of a whore?
Mmmm.... (pause) That'll be you
EDIT (again): This is a quick sketch of music for 'It's Not You'. In this case I've tried to go for a DSotM feel. The chords were originally Major/Minor 7ths, and that's the wrong feel. I've worked a bit on the chord voicings a bit, but it sounds a bit 'happy' still.

EDIT (again): I was just curious about mega-synth chord tracks with guitar. As mentioned before, randomly playing guitar over a chord sounds like anything else. Having, for complex reasons, been discussing the diminished fifth interval yesterday, and having found my partner playing a computer game with a very ambient soundtrack when I came home a short while ago, I made the next little tracklet: There is a hint of the diminished fifth, and I'm pleased with what I've done with the synth drone. It's made from the same instrument recorded three times playing different things. A loud basic bit in the middle, and two copies of the same instrument playing different things quietly left and right. In my opinion it sounds OK and doesn't to me sound too much like yet another SOYCD clone. The second half features a 'guitar' theme that cannot be claimed to be a steal from SOYCD because my theme has six notes while SOYCD's theme only has four! :D I was thinking about this piece. It's a minute long. Rather than extending it further, could it fit in somewhere as a short interlude? Finished off of course.
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Re: Double Core II

Post by Jimi Dean Barrett »

Although it's on my SoundCloud channel, this was recorded today. First time I had a proper play of keyboards and it just had to be an organ!
Stuff off the cuff like this make me more optimistic about my involvement and the creation of "Tuesday"!
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Re: Double Core II

Post by Annoying Twit »

I'm continuing to write loads, in different styles at the moment. I want to come back to It's Not You and write the actual song afresh. I'm having problems writing vocal melodies as I always do, so really feel it's most productive to practice that rather than try to write any final melodies.

@Jimi Dean - I wonder if there would be space on the album for you to create an 'aggressive' vocal over a synthesiser noise loop a'la Welcome to the Machine or Empty Spaces.