Ok folks!
The artwork for the NPF tribute is now in the final stage.
That means that i'v got all the text info for the booklet, whitch means that i'll have to layer down the text onto the selected art.
FromNorth ("machine" Gunnar) and Mooner have their part to do, whitch is to do a proper front cover for this.
I'll be doing this for the next 6-7 days, maybee less. I really dont know, couse there's alot of info to add.
We've all put a lot of love into this, aspecially Stuart, who's been a driving force of this project and has done most of the work on it.
Stuart Avis, i'll buy you a drink after that m8t!
I'm gonna crawl back in my art hole now.
Art hole...hmm...sounds like... you know
Wish me luck!