The official neptune pink floyd Radiohead thread

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The official neptune pink floyd Radiohead thread

Post by Useful Idiot »

It had to be done.

These guys are geniuses. Thom Yorke is probably the best lyricist since Roger Waters, Jonny Greenwood is an awsome guitar player, and Phil Selway is a god on drums.

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Real Pink in the Inside
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Post by Real Pink in the Inside »

I have to admit I have really only given Radiohead a half-hearted listen. I own OK Computer, but I don't find it that exciting...I'll probably download some of their other stuff eventually.
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Post by Useful Idiot »

Real Pink in the Inside wrote:I have to admit I have really only given Radiohead a half-hearted listen. I own OK Computer, but I don't find it that exciting...I'll probably download some of their other stuff eventually.
If you want something a little less intense than Ok Computer, but still with a simmilar sound, get The Bends. If you want something more electronic, get Kid A or Amnesiac. Stay away from Pablo Honey at all costs, as it is terrible.
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David Smith
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Post by David Smith »

Radiohead i feel are over rated, kid A was brilliant though but Ok Computer is hailed as like the best album of the last 20 years, something i don't feel it is. IMO Radiohead are a bit to pretecious and their live shows really are nothing but synth, like what was said about pink floyd years back, when Radiohead perform live they could just set of a few tapes and nobody would know the difference.

I've actually got a live roio of their new stuff featuring all the songs on their upcoming album, it sounds more like the bends so i feel that rpog rock period will just be left behind by them.

Good band, just not brilliant IMO.
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Post by Feeling Very Pink »

I cried when I first heard 'No Surprises'. :oops: :roll: :wink:

'Such a pretty house, such a pretty garden
No alarms and no surprises, no alarms and no surprises, please.'

If that doesn't move you in some way you're a robot.

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Post by Richter_M. »

I've been told for years that I have to get into Radiohead, since I'm such a hardcore PF nut. I always intended to, but didn't actually do so until a few months back. I started with OK Computer, and now I love that album to death. I have Amnesiac as well, which is OK but the electronica themes aren't quite my style. I've heard most of The Bends, and I think it's quite good - it'll be the next one I pick up.

But yeah, I'd rate OK Computer as one of the best albums to come out in the last decade.
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Post by Useful Idiot »

David Smith wrote:Radiohead are a bit to pretecious and their live shows really are nothing but synth, like what was said about pink floyd years back, when Radiohead perform live they could just set of a few tapes and nobody would know the difference.
I really hate to have to ask this, but have you ever been to or heard Radiohead live? Their live shows are anything but synth. To this day, they still play stuff from The Bends and Ok Computer, and they play far less experimental versions of some of their experimental songs. For example, there are live recordings of Everything In It's Right Place with no effects, just Thom and a piano, there are recordings of Kid A (the song) without distorted vocals, Like Spinning Plates is always played on piano, and has no electronic effects, Dollars and Cents has no electronic effects, the list goes on and on.

Also, their new album was leaked onto the internet awhile ago, although it's an unmixed version.
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Post by Keith Jordan »

I have not really been listening to radiohead that much since their conception! I have the bends but hardly listen to it. I, well.... got OK computer today and it is great! What a band. They on tour right now?
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David Smith
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Post by David Smith »

Ok, i have the album I Might Be Wrong, listen to Idioteche, The National Anthem and Everything In It's Right Place from that, that's 3 songs on an 8 song album that are just synth and tape recordings.

Granted, from their recent tour things have calmed down, as i said i have a recent bootleg (containing the songs of their next album, 18 of them) which uses much less effects, but i honestly didn't think I Might Be Wrong was a good live album atall, strange seeing as most of the songs were good on the albums.
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Post by Useful Idiot »

David Smith wrote:Ok, i have the album I Might Be Wrong, listen to Idioteche, The National Anthem and Everything In It's Right Place from that, that's 3 songs on an 8 song album that are just synth and tape recordings.
I have that album too. I don't know what your hearing, but of those 3 songs, only one is "just synth" (EIIRP), which isn't even ALL synth, it's just heavily based around it, and ends with a bunch of tape recordings. Idioteque is based around synth, but there are vocals, which are not tape recordings or synth. The National Anthem has very little synth. It's mostly bass and wind instruments.

I think that IMBW has it's merrits. The pros are that Dollars and Cents, Like Spinning Plates, Idioteque and the song I Might Be Wrong are all great on it. However, Everything In It's Right Place definately gets driven out too long, Morning Bell sounds exactly like the studio version, The National Anthem wasn't that good a song in the first place, and the biggest traversty is True Love Waits. This song is otherwise unreleased, and the version on IMBW is absoutely horrible. There are other versions of it that are MUCH better than that.
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Post by David Smith »

I thought True Love Awaits was ok. I preffered it to dollars and cents anyway. For me that songs always been a bit flat really, the quieten down parts quite nice, but the verses are just boring.

I know idioteche had vocals (very nice to) but i feel the synth was just dominating the song (the vocals played second fiddle to a funky beat), and that whole bit at the end was just awful. The album version was just so laid back and relaxing, the live version was just a bit underwhelming.

The National Anthem is just awful. Maybe i was wrong (i listened to it again, and yeah you were right) but I really can't stand it, again the album version was better, but i don't think it was ever a great song to start with.

Radiohead concerts just don't seem to have any intimacy or anything, i watched a live perofrmance on tv and it just seemed to lack any real atmosphere, that said i think Thom Yorke has an incerdible voice and easily the best in current rock music.
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Post by drafsack »

I have not really been listening to radiohead that much since their conception! I have the bends but hardly listen to it. I, well.... got OK computer today and it is great! What a band. They on tour right now?
No they are not on tour yet but are suposed to be playing Glastonbury this year. They have a new album out soon and I thought I saw a link to it on this site somewhere.
Last edited by drafsack on Wed Apr 09, 2003 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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David Smith
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Post by David Smith »

Guys, i think you should all consider going to T in the park to see bands such as REM, Coldplay, BRMC, The Coral, John Squire and a whole host of others.

We could even have a NPF meeting there where we go to the pub :lol:
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Post by Feeling Very Pink »

Good idea, DS. Alcohol and PF. Both good things. :lol: