Hi all. I am another one who posts little and is now wanting to join in!
I have been a bit slow on the uptake with the songs as I play guitar and write so I could do a song but Ilack any kind of decent equipment save a pc mic!
Anyway I have artwork AND a new digital camera so please please let me do something for the art side of things.
I already have an OLD art site still up but the art isn't quite as developed there asI do nowadays. Still, its ok. some of it.
I think this one, a photo of the original, would be a good one to include..what do you think? http://www14.brinkster.com/geafworks/twenty7.html
anyway I will get something together and see what you want to do with it, if anything.
Love the idea. Wish I was doing a song though
seems like everyone is offering photos for artwork, but how about the actual layout for each page? is someone here in charge of taking any photos, paintings, drawings etc and then turning them into the album artwork?
missbee wrote:seems like everyone is offering photos for artwork, but how about the actual layout for each page? is someone here in charge of taking any photos, paintings, drawings etc and then turning them into the album artwork?
Yep, the people you needs forum names are Ridan, ObscuredEchoes and Mooner. I cant really answer any questions about the artwork as Im leaving that in the hands of other people but if you contact either of those via PM on this forum they'll be able to answer any of your questions.
Here's a suggestion. The cover could be a pastiche of the A Nice Pair album sleeve, which means that a variety of photographs and images could be used, and they wouldn't in themselves have to be super detailed or even particularly great quality. And it wouldn't be too complicated to compile because the photographs are essentially placed in a grid with white borders.
The photos on the inside gatefold of the Animals LP are also worth looking at. They were done by Peter Christopherson of Throbbing Gristle/Coil fame and are marvelously evocative in spite of/because of (delete as applicable) their lo-fi nature.
I have plenty of digital photographs taken with my mobile phone that I would be happy to throw into the mix. There have been photography threads on this forum in the past that featured lots of interesting images, most recently this one.
My brother does a lot of surrealistic painting, and he has a series with black spheres that look like dark moons to me...maybe they would be appropriate:
Norbert Wilkins wrote:Here's a suggestion. The cover could be a pastiche of the A Nice Pair album sleeve, which means that a variety of photographs and images could be used, and they wouldn't in themselves have to be super detailed or even particularly great quality. And it wouldn't be too complicated to compile because the photographs are essentially placed in a grid with white borders. this one.
i like that idea. maybe because i always liked the Nice Pair album sleeve.
why not use all the artwork contributions (besides additional photos) for it, but without the text, that will be on each page of the "booklet"?
A huge thanks to all that have submitted artwork. And for those who havn't yet sent their stuff, time is running short. ---> [email protected] is where you want to send it. Nearly everything that's been sent in so far is fantastic and with any luck, it'll ALL fit into the CD pages.
For those that have suggested websites to visit, I was thinking that another great place to check out is your own computer. Home photo's, misc. downloaded art, shared pictures,... if it has a feel that's suitable for the Tribute project, then send it in
BTW, as things get closer to completion, it might be possible to post a few sneak-peeks at what's comming