Pink Dreams Official Thread

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Pink Dreams Official Thread

Post by Anna-Roza »

This is a thread to gather all the dreams connected with Pink Floyd that Forums users have. I know there is a lot of them, as some females mentioned :wink: . So, please, post your dreams here. I make a beginning.

Last night (probably after watching "In the Flesh" DVD) I had a crazy dream.
I dreamt that Roger Waters' father had not been killed during the war, and was just found in France, where he was hiding for nearly sixty years (sounds like some stupid soap-operas). He just didn't know that the war had been over long time ago (sounds like Emir Kusturica's "Underground").
You can imagine, how happy Roger was! He said that it was good to loose father, because it made him able to write such great songs, but it was even better to find out he's alive! (It is like to eat a cake and still have it). Roger took his father home (by the way, Roger's father looked very much like Rick Wright :roll: ), but then all that media-rush started: interviews, articles, making movies about him and so on. He was not left alone for a single minute, because everybody thought it was a miracle and everyone was very interested in his story. No wonder that poor Mr Waters died soon afterwards :( .
Anyway, the dream's end was optimistic: I don't know why, but it somehow encouraged Pink Floyd to reunite. Probably David, Rick and Nick got also very touched by that "resurrection" story, so they even allowed Roger to write some more songs about his father... Unfortunately, I was awaken and couldn't listen to their new album, so don't ask me for a review!
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Post by Ridan »

Now that IS an interesting dream, Anna!

I had this dream once! I was reading some interviews and I remember reading something around the lines of Roger getting into fishing!

That night I dreamt I am somewhere fishing! And whenever I catch a fish I throw it away or something (I don't like fish, never did!). I don't put it in my fishing basket or whatever you want to call it!

I then notice this old 'thin' and 'tall' man with big brown shawl around him looking at me like he's just seen a ghost! He then walks to me and says, 'You don't throw them jewels! You eat them! They make tasty food, you know!' These were his exact words.

Anyways, I tell him that I don't really like fish! He invites me to a place under the tree and roasts a fish and gives it to me. And surprisingly it tastes great! And I tell the old man, that I like the taste of this fish!

You are not going to believe what that old man said next! He says, 'You know, my wife Judy divorced me because I liked fish!' I realized it was my turn to look like I had just seen a ghost!

That man is Roger, as you have correctly guessed by now!

I woke up after that, only to know that my neighbour left a note to have lunch with him, and SURPRISE! SURPRISE! he had cooked fish! :o

I don't really know how to interpret a dream! And in this case I don't think I want to know why Aunt Judy left Uncle Roger! I mean Woger!

PS. I kept staring at my neighbour closely in hopes he might be Roger! It turns out I am staring at a George! LOL! :D
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Post by mosespa »

I have had recurring dreams that I am at a PWPF show (usually at a carnival, for some reason) and Gilmour recognizes me (for what, I don't know) and invites me onstage to jam...usually during Comfortably Numb and Run Like Hell.

Another dream which also recurrs occasionally (just had one last night, in fact) is one in which I am involved with Roger's latest production of The Wall. My involvment capacity usually is different with each dream...someimes I am an audience member, sometimes I am backstage...unfortunately, I don't think I'm ever in the band :(
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Post by Anna-Roza »

Wow Ridan! Sounds nice, both funny and, er,... dreamy :wink: ! Maybe it is true what Roger said to you about his divorce... :lol:

And there is this amazing connection with your real life... I do not believe in dreams predicting future, special "signs" or things like that - I am a kind of rationalist and sceptic - but I agree they can tell a lot about "dream owner's" personality, desires, fears and so on. And that is the most interesting point. Some of my best writing ideas came to me when sleeping, after weeks of fruitless thinking and desperate looking for inspiration everywhere!
Maybe it is the same with you, Mosespa, as your dreams seem to be music-related. Have you ever dreamt about great new melodies, that you didn't forget afterwards and were able to play or sing after waking up? A kind of surrealistic composing? I heard Eric Satie used to try to work like that...
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Post by Ridan »

mosespa wrote:I have had recurring dreams that I am at a PWPF show (usually at a carnival, for some reason) and Gilmour recognizes me (for what, I don't know) and invites me onstage to jam...usually during Comfortably Numb and Run Like Hell.
If Gilmour recognizes you then it must be a sign! :wink: And if he INVITES you to jam onstage.........I am dumbstruck! :shock: There is a possibility you might be able to hit a gold mine anytime soon! YOU know what I mean! 8)
Anna-Roza wrote:but I agree they can tell a lot about "dream owner's" personality, desires, fears and so on. And that is the most interesting point.
:shock: :shock: It's not fair! I don't day dream about Roger and Judy's wife! Neither do I go around fishing! :oops: :? :) :D
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Post by Anna-Roza »

Ridan wrote: :shock: :shock: It's not fair! I don't day dream about Roger and Judy's wife! Neither do I go around fishing! :oops: :? :) :D
:lol: :lol: no, don't read it so literally... I thought about the whole atmosphere, not about details. I liked very much the impression of silence, stillness and serenity in your dream. I think it is important and meaningful.

English is much more logical than Polish (but less logical than German) and I always have problems with expressing my crooked thoughts in this language... :oops:
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Post by Pugs on the Wing »

Those are both pretty wild dreams, Anna-Roza & Ridan.

Oy. You want Floyd (mostly Roger) dreams? I am the Queen of Roger dreams (Not to be confused the queen of Roger's dreams, which, of course, would be even better...but I would be Julia then, not Ann :wink: ). I keep an online dream journal at where I post all my dreams. I'll post three dreams here, my 2 most recent dream and my favorite dream. The others I'll just include a URL...not all involve Floyd/Roger directly in the dream (in the to speak), some dreams just allude to them.

Most recent dream: Sunday, August 24, 2003
I can't remember this dream too well, but I was with Stan and Tim (I think) and for some reason Roger Waters was sitting on a park bench with some other people (this is the second time I remember dreaming that Roger was on a park bench...what's up with THAT?) and I told Stan and Tim that I wanted to meet him. For some reason, they were able to arrange it so that when they sat down on the park bench, I would end up sitting next to him. I mean, that sounds so utterly...jr. high school or something, doesn't it? The dream keeps repeating itself like Groundhog Day but each time I end up saying a little more to Roger, but I can't remember much more than that. He looked fairly similar to the way he did in the In The Flesh DVD (which we watched part of last night).

Second most recent dream: 8.11.03
Pink Floyd was supposed to come over to our house to do some recording. We were in a house that was a combination of our current house, the house we lived in on Grant street in Colorado (because we had our painting studios in the basement) and my parent's house. We were waiting and we had a feeling they were going to be late. Supposedly David Gilmour called and said he was on the way, and then an orange Alied moving van pulled up in front of our house with their gear. Some manager person came and scoped out our house as far as where to put the equipment (they had to bring their own equipment, obviously, because we didn't have any). We had to quickly put the dogs away in their kennels and make sure they didn't escape out the front door. Stan said something jokingly about knowing that Roger will be really late. I was thinking, "I wonder what Bill (from Biota) will say knowing that I had Pink Floyd in my house." I was looking at some guitars that were in the room and touching them with my bare feet. I kept waiting in anticipation for when Roger showed up, but alas, I woke up.

Favorite Dream 1: 4.23.03
I was in a very strange was like a university-type building crossed with a church or something...rather austere and old. There were two people in the building standing by a door to a room, one was some guy I have no idea who he was, and the other was...Roger Waters! Roger was talking to this guy about some project that he wanted this guy to do for him...some sort of promotional project or something. I somehow managed to get in on the conversation and Roger wanted me to typeset or type something for him that was part of the project. The guy left and I continued to talk to Roger about the project (although I can't remember really what we were talking about). We went into the room together, discussing the project. There was a bed in the room and we layed out the papers on the bed. Roger was sort of by the wall on the floor next to the bed...I guess he was reaching for something and I was bending over trying to see what he was doing, trying to act...interested (and not interested in the typesetting project either). I get onto the bed and lie on it and tell him I'd be more comfortable looking at it here. He gets onto the bed too and gives me some typewriter ribbon cassettes for the kind of typewriter I had in the early 90s. I tell him that wouldn't be necessary because it'll all be done on computer. Then, we start to make out and take our clothes off. It seemed very realistic with strange minor details like the taste of salt on skin...details I don't even dream about when I have a sexual dream with Stan. Then here's the really stooopid part of the dream. I'm utterly dumbfounded I'm in this situation (well, yeah, I would be) and I'm thinking to myself in the dream "I've got to tell my girl friend from high school that I slept with a rock star!" That is such a stupid thing to think and makes Roger sound like a trophy, and I have no desire to keep in touch from people from high school and catch up on old times and brag, nor do I have the desire to sleep with people simply for the fact they're rock stars and nothing else. I think I woke up at that point...kind of too bad, it was quite enjoyable up until that last thought!

Favorite Dream 2 2.11.03
I felt like I was older than I am now, I think, but not sure, or maybe I was a ghost because I obviously travelled back in time. I don't know. I was in what appeared to be a city park. Roger Waters was there...he was young, like before he was even in Pink Floyd, but he looked different, like maybe older than his early 20s, but I knew it was still him. He was sitting on a park bench and I sat down on the bench next to him and take his hand and start telling his future (because I'm from the future, right?). He looks at me strangely and I tell him that he has to believe me because I know the future. Despite the fact that I'm talking to Roger Waters and holding his hand (under normal conditions this would thrill me) the dream was highly eerie. I really don't want to know the future, even though the only future I knew in the dream was what had already happened in the past....if that makes sense.

Floyd/Roger Dream URLs:
(ignore the dates on the dreams on the journal...I didn't dream them all on journal script software is screwed up is all.)

I'll probably post more here as I have them. :roll: :wink:
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Post by Anna-Roza »

Wow :shock: !
Pugs, you're lucky... Not only because of Roger :wink: , but, well, these dreams wpuld be amazing even without him... You should start directing movies (or videoclips, at least; how about making promos to songs from the forthcoming Roger's album? :wink: ) It's true that artists' have special "talents" for dreaming... :D
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Post by Pugs on the Wing »

Anna-Roza wrote:Wow :shock: !
Pugs, you're lucky... Not only because of Roger :wink: , but, well, these dreams wpuld be amazing even without him... You should start directing movies (or videoclips, at least; how about making promos to songs from the forthcoming Roger's album? :wink: ) It's true that artists' have special "talents" for dreaming... :D
I think I just have an affinity for remembering them. I've been keeping an online journal of my dreams for several years now, so the more you practice it (remembering your dreams and writing them down), the easier it becomes.

You just need to remember a significant image of your dream as soon as you wake up from it. Keep thinking about it until you are able to get to a pen and paper or computer to write it down. If you remember that one image, the rest of the dream should follow. And sometimes when I've forgotten dreams when I wake up, I can recall them later in the day if I happen upon something (an object, place) that was in my dream. I think a lot has to do with training yourself.
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Post by David Smith »

I heard cymbaline in a dream long before i actually bought or listened to More, true stuff, neddless to say it's one of my favourite floyd tracks for this reason
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Post by SomeGhostsStepOut »

Unfortunatly, I never had a Pink Floyd related dream. :(
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Post by Diin Jaffa »

Gonzo wrote:Unfortunatly, I never had a Pink Floyd related dream. :(
but at least you have lot of Kylie dreams. :lol:
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Post by SomeGhostsStepOut »

Stupidus wrote:
Gonzo wrote:Unfortunatly, I never had a Pink Floyd related dream. :(
but at least you have lot of Kylie dreams. :lol:
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Post by princessDungan74D »

I have a ton of Roger related dreams but their kind of dirty.
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Post by Pugs on the Wing »

Libby74D wrote:I have a ton of Roger related dreams but their kind of dirty.
Well, post them then! :lol: