Rachel Fury

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Re: Rachel Fury

Post by Banisters_Mind »

lilygirl wrote:I would also like to know where my old friend Margret Taylor is. Name is now Machun. The last I saw her was when she was with Hiroshima in 1989. We were friends in the 1970's when her band Grover, Margret and ZaZuZazz played scat music at our club in North New Jersey. And you knew she was headed for good things. Last heard she is married and lives in LA.

Machan Taylor is really active on Facebook and is still singing professionally. I managed to friend her - purely to ask her the question of whether she knew anything about Rachel Fury now. Pretty screwy huh.

Anyway, you can follow Machan Taylor here:


I recently sat down and revised and update the original article from which much of my original post here was taken. You can read about my ongoing search for Rachel Fury here:

http://www.deanfromaustralia.com/2011/0 ... -fury.html
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Re: Rachel Fury

Post by ddebil »

Much as I still would, I feel that the clock is ticking for Rachel, so I suggest she gets in touch with me before I lose interest. =P~
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Re: Rachel Fury

Post by Hudini »

I don't know if this helps your search in any way, but look at what I accidentally stumbled upon at IMDB, and take a closer look at the Personal Details section: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0107535/
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Re: Rachel Fury

Post by qjamesfloyd »

It's been a while since I posted and this thread was posted on too, but as I have been watching the new DSOT release I thought I would find out if Rachel is still missing in action?
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Re: Rachel Fury

Post by WarWabbit »

In August of 1988 I was in Uniondale for two shows back to back. The 2nd show (Sunday) I was 12 rows back and midway between Rachel and David. I had the perfect seat for their harmonization of Comfortably Numb. I remember that like it was yesterday. She was an incredibly beautiful woman who could easily win the heart and favor of any mortal man alive. She had her choice and she also had a promising and budding career. So, what happened? Some speculate a romance between her and David. And and ensuing falling that caused her to drop out of stardom shortly after this video was shot in the early 1990s:

So let's conduct a little realistic conjecture. According to this recent video, she had no intimate relationship with David, despite the connotations left by the "blown kiss" on the originally released DSOT footage for the song 'Money." This recent interview with Scott, Duraga and Machan reveals that the actual touring performers who lived and worked with her for 14 months know the truth. Watch this interesting piece:

So what assumptions can we make? Well for starters, unless one chooses to move to Antarctica, Northern Saskatchewan or some other completely remote stretch of real estate ... it is rather hard to completely disappear. Unless, of course, someone wants you to disappear and has the dastardly means to make it happen. So I brought this up in a reply to the above video. The author who conducted the interview would like to, along with the multitude of Floyd and Fury fans, believe that she is happily living a private secret life in her little hobbit home in northern England in a small little farming community where no one ever had a TV, A VCR, A DVD player, a smartphone, internet or any modern convenience. Apparently any and all animal rights activists groups up there have no access to any kind of social media portholes either. Up there, she lives on in peace.

More than likely, this is just as big a pipe dream as the one we all had in 1989 about dating her. The facts of society and life on Earth state that this is not the truth. The truth of the matter is that no one even remotely famous can move around this planet without someone else snapping a picture. If she were still alive, she would have been captured on film by now. Especially post 2005 when nearly every sentinel being on the planet began equipping themselves with powerful handheld computers that can also make phone calls and take high resolution photographs and videos. She'd have to be a born again CIA or MI6 agent in order to avoid the world for this long. If she were alive, she'd be inclined, I'm sure, at this point to write and publish her memories of her time in the entertainment business. Today, her book would be an Amazon best seller, her official Facebook and Instagram pages would have millions of followers and she'd probably reconnecting with old friends in a group interview like posted above.

Draw your own conclusions but I know where the safe bet is for my money.
No one famous just drops off the face of the Earth, never to be seen or heard from again .... except for Rachel Fury ... and Jimmy Hoffa.
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Re: Rachel Fury

Post by azza200 »

going by that logic


But seriously loads of people who were once popular or famous in the 70-80's find a life away from the entertainment business Rachel is no different maybe she lives off the grid now she has no desire to be contacted or spoken too about her singing career otherwise she would of most likely spoke to someone from the press by now. Also she has a different real name now.

Pete Kircher the drummer from Status Quo who replaced john coghlan in the 80's he has done the same and disappeared and he does not want to bothered about his life in Quo.
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Re: Rachel Fury

Post by Pink Lloyd »

Wondering whether anyone had watched- and, more to the point, understood this:

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Re: Rachel Fury

Post by Niebla de Fuego »

Does anyone here remember Kelly McGillis? The beautiful blonde from the original Top-Gun movie in 1986? Just don't google her name if you wish to keep that 80s image of her in your mind. Something similar may happen if you wish to find Rachel only based on the memory of her looks. Because let's be realistic: Rachel Fury is over 60yo now. Possibly not at all the hot bimbo everyone remembers from the Thunder tour and video.
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Re: Rachel Fury

Post by Pink Lloyd »

That may well be true, but it’s hardly the point. The fascination with Rachel stems largely from her complete withdrawal not only from the music business, but from public view, when she was only 34, albeit with no known work in the preceding four years (which, unless I’m completely mistaken on the last point, I suspect may have been the most significant factor leading to her retirement.)

I’m aware that opinions on Rachel’s singing ability are mixed, and that there are no known recordings of her singing lead vocals - other than her part in GGITS, which also divides opinion - but she undoubtedly had charisma (which is more than looks or ‘hotness’). Even if her singing career did not develop as she had hoped, she could easily have returned to acting had she wished, or at least, so one would think. Many female singers do so once they appear to have reached a plateau in music. Again her talent in this area is unproven - she last acted at the age of 18, I think - but something made her turn her back on performing and to seek obscurity, the one goal in which she appears to have succeeded completely, barring the lingering - and presumably unwanted - attention she still receives.

P.S. The video I posted the link to is from a Chilean intellectual who appears to be as fascinated by Rachel as many others, which at least affords the subject some academic validity. I don’t have much idea what he’s saying but I don’t get the impression he knows any more than we do, further proof that academic achievement is overrated.
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Re: Rachel Fury

Post by Annoying Twit »

Rachel Fury was (is?) a very good singer, but without hit songs, she is one among too many. There are some singers like Linda Ronstadt who make a career without being a songwriter, but they are few.

Nowadays there is the TV talent show route, and maybe that would have helped her. But, touring while being paid touring band member wages, and potential breaks with no income - I'm not surprised if singers decide to do something else.


According to IMDB:
At the end of the Pink Floyd tour Rachel's father became terminally ill and she stepped back from the entertainment world to stay closer to her family. Today Rachel is a vegan and has a passionate long standing interest and concern for human rights and animal welfare rights.
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Re: Rachel Fury

Post by Pink Lloyd »

I’m aware of the IMDb entry as well as the Wikipedia one. Both, I understand, are accurate as far as they go but leave a lot unsaid, and to the best of my knowledge nothing - apart from Rachel’s real name - has emerged since the statement of her retirement from music and involvement in animal welfare.

It seems undeniable that Rachel’s career did not develop as she wished following the tour with Pink Floyd. Wanting to spend more time with her family does not account for almost complete silence between then and her retirement six years later, or the ignorance by any of her colleagues from that tour of her subsequent activity, beyond her brief involvement in Blue Pearl.

An administrator on another forum stated some years ago that she knows a little but is only free to confirm that Rachel’s retirement was voluntary. She is “not allowed to discuss the circumstances”. This to me suggests that more than career stagnation and the development of new interests played a part.

There is, FWIW, an alternative narrative, albeit from a parallel universe:

https://idolsheet.com/rachel-fury-net-w ... biography/
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Re: Rachel Fury

Post by Ale7kos »

Hi I am new member of this forum.I think i have an answer about Rachel.If you search in internet "Rachel Brennock animal rights" you have some results.There is a result with mail exchange in 2008 between someone and Rachel Brennock about dog abuse.You can see -in this letter- the address of Rachel.This confirms the information that Rachel when had retired from singing ,worked in living life.I really don't know what happened next years after 2010.I think she avoids the publicity and her fans.She has a lot of fans from the pink floyd period.She couldn't handle it.It's really sad.....Work with animals relaxes these individuals.
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Re: Rachel Fury

Post by landed126 »

Hello NeptunePinkFloyd,
I have seen the Delicate Sounds of Thunder video on youtube many many times all these years. And I have noting to say because millions of people around the people have seen the video and reacted in a way that no other LIVE albums could create. This week Rachel Fury had her birthday so I decided to wish her a very happy birthday and plead her to come out and say 'Hello' to all her fans who love her.
here is the link to one of her rehearsals in 1987: