My Theory about why Roger hasnt put out any new albums

All discussion related specifically to Roger Waters.
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Re: My Theory about why Roger hasnt put out any new albums

Post by kitkat »

mosespa wrote: Gilmour's integrity may be damaged by many, many things...but it's not damaged (in my opinion,) by playing DSOTM during a tour to promote the newest Pink Floyd album.
Uh, the original point was that Roger had LESS integrity than Gilmour cause Waters played DSOTM even though he didnt have an album that he wife wrote for him to promote. I called bullshit. I still call bullshit.

I am not the one who said anybody's reputatation was damaged..that was somebody else. I was simply defending the creator of DSOTM against the stupid logic that you shouldnt play your album to a mass audience unless you have an album that your wife wrote for you to promote. Now THAT is a stupid ass view.

You keep trying to expand the argument but I am not falling into that silly trap. I will stay on point. I made my point and it is accurate.

You didnt even go it sounds like. Your ruled. I was leaning on the stage and it was awesome.

Nothing more comical than talking about Waters "integrity" about playing his own music to a happy audience. Unbelievably absurd. A cover bar band?? What a dumb comment dude.

I can tell you didnt go to college. <====JK that part Mr. sensititivity. :lol:

Oh yeah, I forgot......pwned.
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Re: My Theory about why Roger hasnt put out any new albums

Post by mosespa »

kitkat wrote:1. Uh, the original point was that Roger had LESS integrity than Gilmour cause Waters played DSOTM even though he didnt have an album that he wife wrote for him to promote. I called bullshit. I still call bullshit.

2. I am not the one who said anybody's reputatation was damaged..that was somebody else. I was simply defending the creator of DSOTM against the stupid logic that you shouldnt play your album to a mass audience unless you have an album that your wife wrote for you to promote. Now THAT is a stupid ass view.

3. You keep trying to expand the argument but I am not falling into that silly trap. I will stay on point. I made my point and it is accurate.

4. You didnt even go it sounds like. Your ruled. I was leaning on the stage and it was awesome.

5. Nothing more comical than talking about Waters "integrity" about playing his own music to a happy audience. Unbelievably absurd. A cover bar band?? What a dumb comment dude.

6. I can tell you didnt go to college. <====JK that part Mr. sensititivity. :lol:

7. Oh yeah, I forgot......pwned.
1. Yeah...isn't that what I said? My point was that Gilmour's integrity (at least inasmuch as "proper" usage of DSOTM,) is in better shape than Waters' is.

You should try actually reading my posts instead of just skimming over them and then gleaning whatever you wish out of them.

2. Yes, actually; you were. You've repeatedly attacked Gilmour's credibility by upholding that of Waters as though it were without tarnish.

Life lesson, here:

No one's integrity is untarnished, fanboy. :P

Do I really need to go through the trouble of tracking down and posting all of the songwriting credits for DSOTM to illustrate that Waters did NOT create DSOTM single-handly?

Do I REALLY need to do that?

Or should I point out to you that in the nearly forty years since DSOTM has been released, the closest that Waters has ever gotten to anything comparable has been Amused To Death?

Gilmour is ALL OVER DSOTM...and so is Wright.

Waters has even repeatedly stated that DSOTM was the last album where it felt like they were an actual, functioning band.

Which, by implication, means that at least two of the Ringos were actively contributing.

Again...DSOTM did not spring whole-cloth from Roger's bosom.

3. Just because YOU say that your point is accurate does NOT make it so.

You can insist and insist and insist upon it all you want to (and I'm sure you will,) but your continued insistence does not make your point anything more than your opinion.

Which you're welcome to, as inaccurate as it is. :P

4. Neither Roger Waters solo, nor Pink Floyd without him, nor Pink Floyd with him could live up to my expectations. Hence, I've never seen any reason to trek a minimum of two hours just to hear a bunch of stuff that I'm so intimately familiar with that I've played it note-for-note in bands and had people telling me they thought it was a cd when they walked in.

The only reason for me to go would be "bragging rights."

Bragging rights are not terribly important to me. They seem kind of petty, actually.

5. Actually, hearing someone defend Waters' rights to perform music he wrote while simultaneously deriding Gilmour for the same thing has proven VERY entertaining.

6. Of course you can. I write better than you. :D

7. Let's make it official this time...

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Re: My Theory about why Roger hasnt put out any new albums

Post by kitkat »

Yeah Wright and Gilmour are all over it but it is at least 50% Waters and it is in all reality more like 75% or more Waters. He had the creativity of the entire concept and all the little pieces that made it a masterpiece. Plus the words which are as important as the music. Without Waters it would have been like "More" or some other horrific crap that those group of Ringos put out before Waters decided to hell with it and took over. Waters decided he wanted to be rich and famous after all so he had to be mean to Wright cause Wright was obviously not going to take them anywhere big and history as proven Waters was right about Wright as history has shown us with two good songs to his entire career...which is about two more than Syd.

Besides The Wall is better than DSOTM anyhoo. :D

But, hey, thats just me. :lol:
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Re: My Theory about why Roger hasnt put out any new albums

Post by ddebil »

kitkat wrote: Besides The Wall is better than DSOTM anyhoo. :D
And OAI is better than The Wall...but that's just me. :D
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Re: My Theory about why Roger hasnt put out any new albums

Post by Damn!t »

[-D-] [-D-] [-D-]

...not for the sole process of mossification...becouse that has to happen sometime....but for the patience you've shown.

I know I would send him to hell long time ago. I only keep reading his posts for the laugh.
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Re: My Theory about why Roger hasnt put out any new albums

Post by kitkat »

Damn!t wrote:
[-D-] [-D-] [-D-]

...not for the sole process of mossification...becouse that has to happen sometime....but for the patience you've shown.

I know I would send him to hell long time ago. I only keep reading his posts for the laugh.
Damn it, Damn!t...I own this thread. My points are all accurate and have not been even remotely threatened. They stand as a beacon of truth for all music fans and Floyd fans to look upon with awe to learn and study and live.

But, hey, thats just me.
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Re: My Theory about why Roger hasnt put out any new albums

Post by kitkat »

ddebil wrote:
kitkat wrote: Besides The Wall is better than DSOTM anyhoo. :D
And OAI is better than The Wall...but that's just me. :D
Better place to set your drink maybe.... \:D/
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Re: My Theory about why Roger hasnt put out any new albums

Post by Hogtown »

If somebody uses "hey, that's just me" again, I will summon the full power of my force to... :-;
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Re: My Theory about why Roger hasnt put out any new albums

Post by mosespa »

kitkat wrote:1. Yeah Wright and Gilmour are all over it but it is at least 50% Waters and it is in all reality more like 75% or more Waters. He had the creativity of the entire concept and all the little pieces that made it a masterpiece. Plus the words which are as important as the music. Without Waters it would have been like "More" or some other horrific crap that those group of Ringos put out before Waters decided to hell with it and took over. Waters decided he wanted to be rich and famous after all so he had to be mean to Wright cause Wright was obviously not going to take them anywhere big and history as proven Waters was right about Wright as history has shown us with two good songs to his entire career...which is about two more than Syd.

2. Besides The Wall is better than DSOTM anyhoo. :D

But, hey, thats just me. :lol:
1. Yeah...and Waters stepped away from it all of his own volition.

Should the Ringos have just set down everything that they'd contributed to, as well? I guess that's what the question becomes.

I, personally, see no reason why Gilmour, Mason and Wright shouldn't have been allowed to continue to function as Pink Floyd.

Obviously, they didn't want to stop.

Waters, obviously, did.

So, he said "fuck it" and walked away from it all. He tried to have it stopped...failed...and ultimately realized that it was foolish of him to try to put an end to it in the first place.

And for you to continually overlook that only shows that you're not a "true*" Pink Floyd fan, after all. :P

2. I know that I'd rather listen to The Wall than DSOTM, anyday.

So's not just you. (God, I've always wanted to say that...........:lol: )

Damn!t wrote:
[-D-] [-D-] [-D-]

...not for the sole process of mossification...becouse that has to happen sometime....but for the patience you've shown.

I know I would send him to hell long time ago. I only keep reading his posts for the laugh.
I figure I'm either mellowing as I age or I've just done this so many times it's an automatic response now. :lol:

I've learned to look at experiences like this as just another opportunity to demonstrate my own greatness of mind. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Or, at the very least, how good my drugs are at the time. :D

*shout out to HeckTo...wherever he may be...
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Re: My Theory about why Roger hasnt put out any new albums

Post by kitkat »

I have re-read this thread and have made the following obvious conclusion:

I kicked everybody's ass. \:D/

To summarize:

Roger's DSOTM has more integrity than the Ringos' DSOTM cause they are just Ringos and Roger is the John/Paul guy. Plus, the Ringos were promoting a terrible album and were using Roger's work to help promote this album that was written by talentless peeps and their talentless wives who are authors of books nobody has seen yet. <.8.>

Since the Ringos know that they stabbed the John/Paul guy in the back, they shouldnt use his music to support their fraud on the album buying and concert going public. :-;

In addition:

The band was over in 1983 when the three Ringos stopped pretending to even help The Genius with the work of The Floyd. The Genius, concerned about The Ringos eternal welfare, decided to stop fooling the public that there was a band called Pink Floyd when all along, unbenown to the public, Roger was Pink. And there aint no Floyd.

After The Genius ended The Charade, The Ringos, ever ungrateful for the riches that The Genius provided them for being at the right place at the right time, stabbed The Genius in the back by leveraging the fact that The Genius had not let the public know that the band was really The Genius and a few Ringo session musicians.

For this charade, Ringo Mason now feels guilty. Ringo Gilmour/Samson feels no pain as he is comfortably numb from any normal moral conscience. Unfortunately, the other Ringo is gone.

This is Floyd truth brethren.

Learn it. Love it. Live it. [-X

But, hey, maybe its just me...I could be wrong. \:D/

However, anybody who disagrees with me is worse than HITLER!!! <.8.> <.8.> <.8.>
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Re: My Theory about why Roger hasnt put out any new albums

Post by Damn!t »

:smt043 :smt043 :smt043
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Re: My Theory about why Roger hasnt put out any new albums

Post by snifferdog »

:smt044 :smt044 :smt044

I think Mossy pwned ya!
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Re: My Theory about why Roger hasnt put out any new albums

Post by jtull »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: My Theory about why Roger hasnt put out any new albums

Post by malusienka »

Godwin's law :lol:
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Re: My Theory about why Roger hasnt put out any new albums

Post by oz1701 »

happens a lot on here.

just do a search on "Hitler" :lol:

340 matches on a pink floyd forum - hmmmm
344 matches on "nazi"