David Gilmour Biography Details

All discussion related specifically to David Gilmour.
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David Gilmour Biography Details

Post by Lymbo1981 »

My name is Luis Arevalo, I am a dedicated husband, musician and Customer Service Agent. I also consider myself a writer. I am a huge David Gilmour fan and currently I am writing an extensive book about Pink Floyd. I have a few questions about David Gilmour for encyclopedic purposes, since the lack of an extensively detailed biography available on the net and the stratospheric amount of published sources of doubtful accuracy. It constitutes a challenge for every Pink Floyd fan to get to know the facts, and even more to be able to point reliable sources.

My questions are:

Is David Gilmour the youngest, middle or older brother of his family?

Are his brothers named Mark and Peter? Do they have middle names? Does he have anymore brothers?

DAvid Gilmour's family background is often referred as wealthy or upper-class. Is this true or a hyped joke/myth based on the Pompeii interviews?

I have read that Douglas Gilmour was a Senior Lecturer in Zoology in Cambridge. I have also read that he was a Phd in genetics from an unofficial source. What is the exact nature of Mr. Douglas Gilmour academic studies and research? His work in the field of genetics has been (unofficially) referred as groundbreaking, is this true? Does Mr. Douglas have a middle name?

Was Sylvia, David's mother, also an academic? Does she have a middle name? Did they both travel to the US together? Any approximate dates of their trip? Did anyone take care of the young Gilmours in their absence?

Did David meet young Syd Barrett while they were both attending to different schools at Hills Road? Did David meet Roger Waters as well in those days? If not, when did David meet Roger?

Did Gilmour take any music training at the Perse School? if he did, what instrument did he play?

It's been said that Gilmour borrowed his first guitar from a neighbor and ended up purchasing it, others say the guitar was a gift. Is any of this true? any approximate dates? what kind of guitar was it?

I have read that Gilmour started joining bands at age 16. True or False?

Was The Newcomers David Gilmour's first band?

Was he ever a part of The Ramblers as a consistent member or only after they changed their name to Jokers Wild? Where there any line-up changes in the mix?

It's a known fact that Syd and David studied in Cambridge College of Arts and Technology at the same time and practiced guitar together in their lunch breaks. Was this after or before Gilmour started to tour Spain and France with his bands and recorded his first studio demos? Did Syd Barrett joined Gilmour to any of these trips or a separate trip? Any precise or approximate dates?I think I heard something in a BBC interview about San Tropez, and something about smuggling illegal books from France, or to France ...

Would you please advise me of any reliable publications out there with accurate and extensive information on Pink Floyd and specially David Gilmour?

I tried to forward this enquiries into DAvid Gilmours official FAQ, but the answer was an automated replied saying the mailbox isn't working anymore. Does anyone know how to contact these people?
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Re: David Gilmour Biography Details

Post by Keith Jordan »

The "scope" of this thread is very wide and deep. I would recommend looking at Vernon Fitch's Pink Floyd Encyclopaedia for the factual things. Then have a few separate topics to discuss the other issues. They are topics in themselves.

I seriously doubt David Gilmour/Pink Floyd management have the time or the will to do your research for you. I imagine they would suggest you read Vernon's books!