Secret Images within Syd Barrett's "Dried Flowers" artwork..

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Secret Images within Syd Barrett's "Dried Flowers" artwork..

Post by Keith Jordan »

Thanks to Brian Wernham for sending this!

In the attached PDF of Syd Barrett's "Dried Flowers" picture, you can see he has included some "hidden" images within his artwork.

According to Brian, his PDF shows Brian Jones and Anita Pallenburg hidden in the painting.

I never knew about this! 8)
Brian Jones and Anita Pallenburg.pdf

I shall grab some screenshots of it so we can see a photo of it on this thread in case you cannot read PDF files on your computer for some reason!
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Re: Secret Images within Syd Barrett's "Dried Flowers" artwork..

Post by 30yrsydfan »

I always thought it was englebert humperdinck
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Re: Secret Images within Syd Barrett's "Dried Flowers" artwork..

Post by wiped »

I can't see either of the images ithin the overall painting .... although I am colourblind so maybe thats why ?
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Re: Secret Images within Syd Barrett's "Dried Flowers" artwork..

Post by Wolfpack »

Keith Jordan wrote:According to Brian, his PDF shows Brian Jones and Anita Pallenburg hidden in the painting.
I think this is nonsense.
To me it is like watching the clouds. On Mars they once saw a rock that looks like a human face. If you search long enough, you'll find lots of images on many places. And mostly, you'll only recognize them after someone tells you what to see.

I'm sure there be lots of "hidden messages" when listening backwards to Syd or anyone else. That's the same type of illusion. (Not counting recordings made in reverse, as in 'Empty Spaces'.)
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Re: Secret Images within Syd Barrett's "Dried Flowers" artwork..

Post by Mandi Apple »

I dunno - I mean, it seems a bit farfetched to think Syd was deliberately placing hidden portraits within his work, but it's not so far from the realms of possibility I suppose... looks more like pareidolia to me in this case, though :)
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Re: Secret Images within Syd Barrett's "Dried Flowers" artwork..

Post by Hudini »

This borders with a conspiracy theory. Although those might be seen as human faces, I refuse to believe so. Let the poor man rest in peace and stop this shit.
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Re: Secret Images within Syd Barrett's "Dried Flowers" artwork..

Post by Keith Jordan »

Hudini wrote:... Let the poor man rest in peace and stop this shit.
I think that was a little over the top??? Discussing the possibility of "hidden images" in his art is good honest fun. I cannot possibly see how it would be disrespectful? Perhaps you could explain to me?
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Re: Secret Images within Syd Barrett's "Dried Flowers" artwork..

Post by Hudini »

I think that searching for hidden images in his artwork is a bit over the top, don't you think?

Ever since Syd's death there have been people coming up with hidden stuff in his artwork and his notebooks, thus making him appear more mentally ill than he actually was (that is, if he actually was mentally ill and not just a social misfit), even completely insane. It's interesting that none of these stories, or hardly any, were issued while Syd was still alive. Three and a half years since his death, there are people still trying to make a sensation out of it, but all they seem to do is mock the poor man. Even you admit that you see it as fun. Making fun of ill people is not really fun. Leave it alone.

Sensing a possible argument coming up, I must state that my intention was not to troll and being irritated with such topics I will restrain from posting on them from now on.
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Re: Secret Images within Syd Barrett's "Dried Flowers" artwork..

Post by my breakfast. »

Its a shame people over-analyse this stuff. I mean, its a good painting, is that not enough? Did Syd go on record to say personally he sneaked this stuff into his paintings? I doubt it. Its jus some other pathetic theory that makes the whole Paul is Dead thing look more and more legit by comparison. Stupid people. ](*,) ](*,)

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Re: Secret Images within Syd Barrett's "Dried Flowers" artwork..

Post by zag »

my breakfast. wrote: If the garden is pretty enough, does there have to be fairies at the bottom of it?
hush, Alan. don´t even start

I think these "hidden images" are mainly for fun. If you have WYWH vinyl you´d know there´s a few of them too. They´re just hidden too well :lol:
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Re: Secret Images within Syd Barrett's "Dried Flowers" artwork..

Post by Keith Jordan »

Hudini wrote:Ever since Syd's death there have been people coming up with hidden stuff in his artwork and his notebooks, thus making him appear more mentally ill than he actually was (that is, if he actually was mentally ill and not just a social misfit), even completely insane.
I don't think a young man possibly painting "hidden details" in a painting is a sign of mental illness. It is a sign of someone having fun with their art. Having a good time.
Hudini wrote:Even you admit that you see it as fun. Making fun of ill people is not really fun. Leave it alone
I think there is a difference between observing something is a painting for fun and actually making fun of someone. I am certainly not making fun of anybody.

However, I do respect your right to your opinion and I hope I have not offended your beliefs too much. Certainly not my intention. It is just the man who now owns the painting sent the PDF with some interesting observations and I thought it would be interesting to share them on the forum here. This is what the forum is for. Discussion of things and stuff. :)
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Re: Secret Images within Syd Barrett's "Dried Flowers" artwork..

Post by Hudini »

It's not a question of offended beliefs, and certainly I don't find the whole thing offending mine, but I just don't think it all has too much taste. Particularly when one should have a pretty wild imagination to see the faces in question. I might have been overreacting but I do think Syd's family would not have found this interesting as some other people... It's a nice little picture (just a bit kitsch though), why can't it just stay that way? Why does it need to have hidden faces to be even more interesting?
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Re: Secret Images within Syd Barrett's "Dried Flowers" artwork..

Post by Keith Jordan »

"Why does it all have to be so terribly loud.... ?" <.8.>
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Re: Secret Images within Syd Barrett's "Dried Flowers" artwork..

Post by Hudini »

Now you're spamming, boss. ;)
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Re: Secret Images within Syd Barrett's "Dried Flowers" artwork..

Post by moom »

I can actually see faces, most of em. Zoom in heavily. But the man's (supposedly) face is kinda blurred by the paint above. So I ain't sure that's even a man. But on the left it certainly is a girl, probably kissing the other erm person with her face looking towards the other person's mouth. Brian and Anita, reportedly, had an affair behind Keith's back...