Singer-guitarist needed for new Floyd tribute band

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Singer-guitarist needed for new Floyd tribute band

Post by Rollock »

Any singers-guitarists around here from the East Midlands, UK? I'm in a new Floyd tribute band that's starting up (summer 2015), and we need a frontman vocalist who can also play guitar well enough to play various rhythm and picking parts (but you don't need to be able to do the solos).

So far we have drums, bass, lead guitar and keys. Because some of us have a lot of experience in the tribute world (and because of the quality of the players we have so far) we have contacts who can get us into theatres as soon as we're ready.

We're looking to gig regularly around the UK and sometimes in Europe, so it's not something for someone who's in lots of other bands.

Call Ady on 07979 231644, or PM me.

(Hope it's all right to post this here.)
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Re: Singer-guitarist needed for new Floyd tribute band

Post by Rollock »

We've found someone now (and he's brilliant). We'll be looking to add a sax player and some female vocalists autumn/winter 2015.
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Re: Singer-guitarist needed for new Floyd tribute band

Post by moodyblue »

So how is it all going?
Last edited by moodyblue on Sun Oct 18, 2015 10:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Singer-guitarist needed for new Floyd tribute band

Post by Rollock »

Had some setbacks thanks to real life getting in the way, but we may now have a settled line-up that's ready to start serious rehearsing.
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Re: Singer-guitarist needed for new Floyd tribute band

Post by moom »

Which Floyd era are you lot more into :) ? Your addition of sax and backing singers suggests stuff like Dark Side.
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Re: Singer-guitarist needed for new Floyd tribute band

Post by Rollock »

It's going to be the usual material. Personally I really like the early Floyd material (as well as the later releases), but it's hard finding band members -- not to mention audiences -- who are into that stuff.

But we will do some early tracks (with some surprises), and hopefully Echoes.