Roger Re records Dark Side

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Roger Re records Dark Side

Post by drafsack »

Looks like Rog has re recorded Dark side with a release date of May this year - see link below ... 00848.html
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Re: Roger Re records Dark Side

Post by Wolfpack »

Shouldn't this be in the topic 'Stuff We Can Make Up About Pink Floyd...'? <.8.>

Waters competing with Waters Floyd...

If the new 'Comfortably Numb' (2022) is any indication, I expect the worst.
Maybe interesting as a different view, but it wouldn't have made me a fan.
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Re: Roger Re records Dark Side

Post by Thermo2023 »

I agree with the previous post and I myself also suspect that this so called "re-recording" is doomed to be an utterly terrible piece of garbage....just as his version of "Comfortably Numb" and 99% of his post Floyd output. This is a complete and total embarrassment and I expect grossly offensive to many of his fans.

This recordingproject is a huge insult to everyone who bought the original album in the first place!!!1 What exactly does he mean ....“Because not enough people recognised what it’s about, what it was I was saying then.” BULLS###. AHUGE sweeping generalization and underestimation of the intelligence of fans of PINK FLOYD.

Poor Roger seems totally bereft of any new ideas and in my opinion can't write music. Much of his so called music is virtually unlistenable.
The tempos he seems to come up with of fail to or do not at all support his word salads that he passes off as songs.
....and for him to say about Gilmour and Waters "they “can’t write”. “Well, Nick never pretended. But Gilmour and Rick [Wright, the keyboardist] They can’t write songs, they’ve nothing to say. They are not artists!” “They have no ideas, not a single one between them. They never have had, and that drives them crazy.” GIMME A BREAK. Gilmour's albums are thousands of times more listenable, original, moody and melodic than anything Waters ever did. Can you imagine "Echoes" (Wright's melody) with out Richard's piano? His songs on Obsucred by Clouds..."Stay" Burning Bridges". Atom Heart, etc. The list goes on...

DSOM WAS a group effort.Just because he wrote the lyrics, without the true Gestalt and compositional input of Gilmour,Mason and Wright (who is probably turning in his grave) that group would have faded from history in 1969.

Let's face it, Roger is way past his prime.
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Re: Roger Re records Dark Side

Post by Yucateco »

I disagree, it could be fun in a good way or hilarious in a bad way. The comments about it in the telegraph article actually intrigued me. And the original is still there sitting on the shelf and can be played anytime I want, so absolutely no harm done with a little re-recording.

And let’s face it, this is just an extra we get, there is still the new album recorded and waiting to be released. Busy year for Waters.
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Re: Roger Re records Dark Side

Post by Hadrian »

I think that David Gilmour emboldened Roger Waters to go into this direction by essentially keeping Pink Floyd inactive over the last 28 years (1995-2023). David in essence retired the band in 1995 after Pulse was released, and there has been very little Pink Floyd after that: one single (2022), one album (2014) and two times live on stage for partial shows (2005, 2007). That is simply too little for almost three decades; if David kept the band active, released more music and played more concerts as Pink Floyd, it would be far more difficult for Roger to even contemplate such a move. One good thing came out of all that resting on the laurels is Nick Mason's Saucerful of Secrets - which materialized because Nick got tired of just sitting around waiting for Dave to move a muscle.
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Re: Roger Re records Dark Side

Post by Neil »

To be honest, I think it’s slightly odd, and more than likely nothing more than a dig at Gilmour. I bought the Telegraph for the article, but I haven’t yet read it, but I’m sure I saw a quote from the article on some news feed or other where he states ‘I’m re-recording it without all the rock n roll guitar solos crap’, or words to that effect. What is that if not a dig at Gilmour and a futile attempt to erase his contribution to Pink Floyd.

To be honest, that was my gut instinct when I heard the re-record version of Comfortably Numb as well. You could say it was re-arranged to fit the mood and themes of his new show; fair enough, and there is definitely artistic merit in re-interpreting an existing piece. (To be honest, I hate it when someone covers an existing song, and it more or less sounds like the original; what’s the point?). But, the more I thought about it, the more I felt: if you wanted to get under Gilmour’s skin, what would be better than taking the song where his work is most revered (it’s only a few months ago that listers of Planet Rock voted the solo in Comfortably Nimb the greatest of all time), and re-arrange that song so that it completely omits his part in it?

What’s more, it seems entirely ironic that he accuses Gilmour and Wright of having ‘nothing to say’, and yet, in a time of unprecedented world turmoil and countless contemporary topics that could be reflected upon musically, Waters chooses to re-record an existing album rather than say something new.

It’s sad that it’s coming to this, really.
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Re: Roger Re records Dark Side

Post by Yucateco »

Neil wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 12:05 am
What’s more, it seems entirely ironic that he accuses Gilmour and Wright of having ‘nothing to say’, and yet, in a time of unprecedented world turmoil and countless contemporary topics that could be reflected upon musically, Waters chooses to re-record an existing album rather than say something new.

It’s sad that it’s coming to this, really.
There is new stuff coming, at the same time he announced that there is also an album with new songs (centered around The Bar and Chrystal Clear Brooks) nearly done (or done?, can´t remember). So there will be something new for him to say, probably in lots and lots of words as we know Roger. The new album was mentioned in all of the last interviews so it should be imminent.
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Re: Roger Re records Dark Side

Post by Wolfpack »

The instrumentals will have a voice over by Waters?

Waters as the sole writer of... 'The Great Gig in the Sky'?
If 'The Dark Side of the Moon' has one memorable track, it's by Wright and Torry.
Will the remake have Waters rambling on and on, all over it?
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Re: Roger Re records Dark Side

Post by AthousandMilesOfMoonlight »

“They have no ideas, not a single one between them. They never have had” Roger Waters on his former bandmates artistic credentials.

So, if we are to take Roger at his word then the photo below was his idea?

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Re: Roger Re records Dark Side

Post by Jimi Dean Barrett »

AThousandMilesOfMoonlight, I did think of you when Polly Samson made her tweet. I thought about you putting in all that effort to get a Pink Floyd tribute band together... And all that practicing appears to have been for nothing as Roger mimes!
I hope your musical abilities haven't been affected as much. And you are at least making your own sounds knowing that whatever you do on stage. You'll be a thousand times more an authentic live experience than Roger ever will be.
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Re: Roger Re records Dark Side

Post by AthousandMilesOfMoonlight »

[quote="Jimi Dean Barrett" post_id=639172 time=1676074155 user_id=23977]
AThousandMilesOfMoonlight, I did think of you when Polly Samson made her tweet. I thought about you putting in all that effort to get a Pink Floyd tribute band together... And all that practicing appears to have been for nothing as Roger mimes!
I hope your musical abilities haven't been affected as much. And you are at least making your own sounds knowing that whatever you do on stage. You'll be a thousand times more an authentic live experience than Roger ever will be.

I’m flattered to occasionally flit through your thoughts, Jimi D!!

Alas, there is no Pink Floyd tribute band but I do still fiddle about with a bit of my own music but the time I have to do that has dwindled with the passage of time and children :lol:

Roger is a great artist but not such a great human being. Is it too much for him to just admit that if the music hadn’t been so compelling there would have been far less interest in his artistic vision & lyrics? Evidently… imagine Echoes without Gilmour & Wright’s contributions?

Roger is trying to revise history, much like Stalin did. Oi! Gilmour!! Down the memory hole with your guitar noodling!

Positively Orwellian, how ironic.
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Re: Roger Re records Dark Side

Post by Jimi Dean Barrett »

AthousandMilesOfMoonlight wrote: Sat Feb 11, 2023 2:06 am Roger is trying to revise history, much like Stalin did. Oi! Gilmour!! Down the memory hole with your guitar noodling!

Positively Orwellian, how ironic.
Glad things are well. The quoted bit reminds me of a friend, about the same age and went to the same school as me, who didn't know about Stalin's revisionist tendancies. And thought I was accusing Roger of mass murder! I'm thinking "Did you fucking take anything in during school or what?".

And for the rest who get angry over the Waters criticisms. He's been out the band now longer than he was in it. He must have appealed to Rick Wright's family to gain permission to Great Gig etc.
And then turns around and says Broken China was a terrible album.
And for that reason, I'm out! As they say on Dragon's Den. (Only watched a handful of episodes but get the general idea).
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Re: Roger Re records Dark Side

Post by scarecrow »

My impression is Waters doesn't need permission from anyone to cover Rick Wright's songs on DSOTM. There might be a legal technicality of having permission from the publishers, but even that isn't clear.

Obviously royalties will need to be paid to Mason, Gilmour and Wright for the songs they have composer credits on.

This article provides some guidance on the muddy waters of releasing cover versions: ... r-versions
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Re: Roger Re records Dark Side

Post by Gslatner »

I have no interest in hearing his new version. The album was as close to perfect as it could have been when they made it. The only reason he is releasing a remake is to remind people he wrote the lyrics not David. If it’s on par with the Comfortably Numb remake he just did god help us all.
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Re: Roger Re records Dark Side

Post by Vegetable Layne »

I'm gonna listen to this, but it does seem quite too self-indulgent. Like, you have a free afternoon to listen to a a Floyd record, and what's the situation you'd ever choose Rogers take over the actual masterpiece.

And it is a masterpiece as is. From all the input from the unimaginative folk he seems to dislike having to share in the glory of the yesteryear.

It just seems like pointless a prospect. He should just focus on that The Bar project he was gonna make back in the day.