Roger Waters Dark Side of the Moon Redux Concerts

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Roger Waters Dark Side of the Moon Redux Concerts

Post by drafsack »

Did anyone go and see these concerts?? Sounds like it was 50 minutes of music and another hour or so of Rog reading from his forthcoming autobiography and trying to tell jokes. Sounds like he got a bit of heckling and he just told them to F*** off. Read somewhere that someone spent £500 on a ticket and was kicked out for saying the show was shit.
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Re: Roger Waters Dark Side of the Moon Redux Concerts

Post by Hadrian »

It seems that Nick Mason was present in the audience during the first night, but there was no acknowledgment of that by Waters from the stage (it would've been nice if he had invited Nick to join for at least a little bit of a talk).
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Re: Roger Waters Dark Side of the Moon Redux Concerts

Post by space triangle »

A people have paid in 1969 for a rehearsal of upcoming album Ummagumma. They warent even avare of it. A half of the The Man and the Journey show were just Ummagumma rehearsal. Some spectators were a quite angry. They asked for the money back or left TMaTJ shows.
Jimi Dean Barrett
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Re: Roger Waters Dark Side of the Moon Redux Concerts

Post by Jimi Dean Barrett »

space triangle wrote: Sun Oct 15, 2023 5:35 pm A people have paid in 1969 for a rehearsal of upcoming album Ummagumma. They warent even avare of it. A half of the The Man and the Journey show were just Ummagumma rehearsal. Some spectators were a quite angry. They asked for the money back or left TMaTJ shows.
Well I'd hate to hear the finished album Roger's been trying out on audiences (Those asides from Redux and some songs) then!
If Roger is reading this, your ultimate album title is "No. You Fuck Off"
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Re: Roger Waters Dark Side of the Moon Redux Concerts

Post by azza200 »

A bootleg of the 2nd night get it before Rogers management remove it from YT