How Do You Listen To Music?

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How Do You Listen To Music?

Post by battra »

I'm not talking about when you're looking for background noise.

I mean when you sit down to listen and be a part of the music.

How do you do it?

I spin all my music on my vintage stereo. I have an S-7100A Sherwood Receiver, a Pioneer PL-200 Turn table, and a pair of Sansui Speakers...I forgot the product code, but they're huge and from 1968. The turntable is from 75 and the receiver is from 72.

Yes, I have a room dedicated to the also houses the home office and beer fridge...and video games.

(There are about 1200 records in case you're wondering. That's releases not discs.)

What about you?
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Re: How Do You Listen To Music?

Post by Eclips »

I like to link multiple albums via Spotify or Winamp playlists in order to replicate long box sets and have a full day experience.

For example, there's a PF vinyl box with all studio albums from PatGoD to Wall and then The Division bell.
When "translated" to spotify, it becomes a 10h28min long playlist. I like to listen to it from early in the morning through the end of the day, having of course to pause it along the day depending on my chores. I work mostly with programming and autonomously, so being my own boss I spend most of the day silent at work, which helps to listen to lots of music.
Another example is a Genesis box set (10h33min long) with all albums from Trespass through Duke, including the two lives from this era.
Other times i creat custom playlist with my favorite album but, in the end, i prefer "long journey" with my favorite albums, especially those of more atmospheric music.

Other times i simply listen to an entire album but rarely lone songs. Except when exercising by walking or running, then i get some favorite songs to improve my pace (usually some guilty pleasures) or some custom playlists.
Last edited by Eclips on Thu Oct 26, 2023 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Annoying Twit
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Re: How Do You Listen To Music?

Post by Annoying Twit »

I would like to say that I listen to my CDs. But, most of the time I am lazy and reach for the closet easiest option which is streaming.