Amused To Death 4 LP Set

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Amused To Death 4 LP Set

Post by battra »

As these days I'm on a mission to seek out the best versions of all the pressings...

Can anybody tell me how good this one is? Maybe how it compares to the 200g pressing from awhile back?

I've been told the original pressing is basically one of the best examples of what vinyl can sound like and I think the 200g pressing is pretty damned good too....
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Re: Amused To Death 4 LP Set

Post by twcc »

Sorry cannot answer the 200-g "12-inch vinyl" question, but I do have thoughts about the 5-inch disc releases.

The original CD with the QSound is good especially on headphones. The hardback digipack from Columbia/Legacy/Analogue raised the bar and the SACD/DSD version is excellent, but ... then came the twin disc softback digipack from Columbia/Legacy with the Blu-ray providing 5.1 and stereo, 24bit/96kHz mixes. If you have a home theatre and have used the calibration mic to set-up your system the 5.1 is phenomenal and, to my ears, is the way to go.

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Re: Amused To Death 4 LP Set

Post by battra »

I listen to music in our second living room, aka the Sitting Room.

We have a TV and a music room.

In here, we have all of our records video games, and even the home office...and beer fridge!

That's a long way to say that when I listen to music to listen, it's vinyl or nothing. :D