The Voice of Pink Floyd?

All discussion related specifically to David Gilmour.
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Post by J Ed »

Nosaj wrote:Rick - "Azimuth Coordinator Master for PF"
did Rick operate the Azimuth Coordinator?
I would have that this, if anything, would be a job for an architect!
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Post by nosaj »

Crap just coming out of my finger tips on this thread...I really believe Rick controlled the Azimuth Coordinator...but, there are some serious fact finders around here who would know better.
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Post by Damn!t »

Whasnt azimuth coordinator operated by someone from the "desk"?
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Post by J Ed »

I think Ive seen it attributed to rick somewhere too,
and that seems right, as hes the one sitting down with the big desks of electronics

I just imagine, however, when I hear those sequences with the footsteps and the stairs and the doors
I think an architect could maybe enter a room and map it all out in his mind so the when the footsteps go upstairs they really do appear to be in the vicinity of the auditoriums stairs
every hall would be different so each night those effects would have to be aimed in different directions
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Post by dancure »

Yucateco wrote:
FloydCouncil wrote: On another note, people who aren't really fans of Pink Floyd do see Dave as the voice, especially those who saw Live 8 without knowing much about them since David clearly seemed 'incharge' of the band there.
hmmm.... wasn?t Rog the only one talking to the crowd?
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Post by ganaffe »

J Ed wrote:
Nosaj wrote:Rick - "Azimuth Coordinator Master for PF"
did Rick operate the Azimuth Coordinator?
I would have that this, if anything, would be a job for an architect!

Nick Mason - Inside Out (p. 73):

"The azimuth co-orindator, which had its first outing at 'Games For May,' was a device operated by Rick...."

that should clear things up a little :D
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my take

Post by 0010 »

David -- the guitar and voice of Pink Floyd

Roger -- the genious and fire of Pink Floyd

Rick -- the colour and timbre of Pink Floyd

Nick -- the backbone and heartbeat of Pink Floyd

Syd -- the spirit and inspiration of Pink Floyd

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Post by FloydCouncil »

Yucateco wrote:
FloydCouncil wrote: On another note, people who aren't really fans of Pink Floyd do see Dave as the voice, especially those who saw Live 8 without knowing much about them since David clearly seemed 'incharge' of the band there.
hmmm.... wasn?t Rog the only one talking to the crowd?
Yes, but several people I know didn't see it that way. They didn't know much about Pink Floyd (or anything actually), they just assumed Gilmour was 'incharge' since he sang the most. They kept going "the guy in the black shirt" lol.
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Post by quicksilver »

I am the fan of Pink Floyd

Post by DoctorFloyd »

I don't really see a problem with him saying that. It is a marketing gimmick yes, and is probably quite a pompous thing to say in the light of all the history of the band, but I am quite sure that David Gilmour sees himself as the lead singer and the guitarist of the present formation of Pink Floyd - so yes, he is technically correct in saying that.

Another thing, though - who for gods sake really cares. :roll:
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Post by flashback »

DoctorFloyd wrote:I don't really see a problem with him saying that. It is a marketing gimmick yes, and is probably quite a pompous thing to say in the light of all the history of the band, but I am quite sure that David Gilmour sees himself as the lead singer and the guitarist of the present formation of Pink Floyd - so yes, he is technically correct in saying that.

Another thing, though - who for gods sake really cares. :roll:
The only ones that care are Dave and wankers that don't know any better :lol:
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Post by toddstar »

If one was to think of the most "common" PF songs, then I can certainly see where DG is coming from, being so brash to state himself as the "voice" of PF. Guaranteed the guitar of PF, hands down. But, in terms of sheer POPULARITY (which none of you reading care about but there are people who do) think of songs like Echoes, Time, Money, Wish You Were Here, 1/2 ABITWII, 1/2 Comfortably Numb, and then, you get hit with PF 87-94. So, if I were born in 1975, lets say, and I was an up and coming music critic at some huge rag (NME anyone?) all I would know is the NEW PF. I would know RW and his albums, he wrote the lyrics to some great songs, but then on 07-02-05 I would hear him STRAIN to push out WYWH, while DG soared. This is, of course, objective. I, personally, am a PF fan and I am not interested in the behind the scenes stuff. But when DG says he is the "voice and guitar" of PF, he knows 1/2 his fans know this. And he is working it, like a business man would. It is all a matter of we area all getting older, as well as DG, and the almighty $ still rules. Last sod to first place is a f'in joke. Ou et le bar, john? OI!!
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Re: The Voice of Pink Floyd?

Post by Eliardo1 »

I guess he was the main lead singer of PF during the more classical era of the group, wasn’t he? I mean from Meddle to WYWH he could be regarded as the voice. And this Era is the most appreciated for a lot of fans. So it’s not a complete non sense if he calls himself “the voice”. Although I agree with most of the comments: this claim must be related to marketing campaings rather than to an understanding of his place in PF.
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Re: The Voice of Pink Floyd?

Post by space triangle »

Roger Waters answer to it was to print ''Roger Waters - The Creative Genius Of Pink Floyd'' on his concert posters.

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Re: The Voice of Pink Floyd?

Post by Eliardo1 »

In terms of The lyrics and the concepts behind the albuns I think he is indeed the genious. In any case he is definitely a genious when it comes to the craft of words and ideas that can be expressed in words. I’m a lawyer (I know, a profession hated by RW and by most artists) and writing (choosing the absolute perfect word and phrasing - in my native linguagem, of course) are very important to me. I think that helps me apreciate Roger’s genious in that area.
However, David, though he may not be a musical genious in the sense of Jimi Hendrix, for exemple, he has the rare talent of being able to write music that matches and conveys exactly the images and feelings Roger is trying to express with words. Without that part (DG’s part) all of RW’s talent with words might had just made him a poet or, God forbid, a very good lawyer.
So, I don’t think Roger is the genious behind the “music” of PF. But he is undoubtely a genious of lyrics writing.