David had his first 4 children with Ginger: Alica, Clare, Sarah and Matthew.
Ginger is into sculpture and art and things. Gilmour bad-mouthed the quality of their children's education and Ginger was interviewed about that. Transcript here...
I thought that was an interesting article considering my daughter had an excellent waldorf education and is about to graduate from a regular high school with honors. I guess the warldorf sytem isn't for everyone but it seems like a creative musician wouldn't want his kids to be educated by a factory school!
There's three sides to the story, yours mine and the truth. Always disgruntled wives in rock and roll.
Very few marriages lasted long in rock and roll. John Deacon is still married to his college sweetheart Veronica after 31 years. Dennis DeYoung is still married to his high school sweetheart Suzanne after 36 years. Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson still have their first wives. Neil Peart's first wife died after his daughter died.
ESLAFTK2112 wrote:There's three sides to the story, yours mine and the truth. Always disgruntled wives in rock and roll.
Very few marriages lasted long in rock and roll. John Deacon is still married to his college sweetheart Veronica after 31 years. Dennis DeYoung is still married to his high school sweetheart Suzanne after 36 years. Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson still have their first wives. Neil Peart's first wife died after his daughter died.
Let's not forget John Paul Jones and wife Mo after 30+ years!
ESLAFTK2112 wrote:There's three sides to the story, yours mine and the truth. Always disgruntled wives in rock and roll.
Very few marriages lasted long in rock and roll. John Deacon is still married to his college sweetheart Veronica after 31 years. Dennis DeYoung is still married to his high school sweetheart Suzanne after 36 years. Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson still have their first wives. Neil Peart's first wife died after his daughter died.
Let's not forget John Paul Jones and wife Mo after 30+ years!
I forgot about that one as well. Tony Banks and Mike Rutherford still have their wives almost 30 years later (same is not said for Peter Gabriel and Phil Collins).