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Tagged: The Wall Live DVD

Roger Waters Wall Live Premiere Toronto

Watch Roger Waters Q&A Session at Toronto Film Festival

Roger Waters The Wall film – a film about his 2010-2013 Live tour of The Wall – had it’s premiere at the Toronto FIlm Festival where Roger Waters treated the media to a questions and answers session. It is also the place that the Wall Live Tour started back in September 2010, a fitting location indeed! You can watch the Q&A session below and also read the review from T-Mak World who attended and filmed...

Roger Waters - The Wall Live DVD Film

Roger Waters The Wall Live Film 2014 – Film Premiere

Roger Waters The Wall – A Film by Roger Waters and Sean Evans will be premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival commencing 6th September 2014. The much anticipated release is 133 minutes long and will receive 5 screenings at the festival, with two reserved for industry professionals only. There were several of Roger Waters The Wall Live shows recorded, with other re-enactments from Roger’s family life and other events recorded by film crews for...