Nick Mason’s Saucerful of Secrets Tour Postponed Further

Nick Mason’s Saucerful of Secrets Tour, which had already been delayed due to Covid, has been pushed back further. The European tour was due to start up again in a couple of months. However, the situation with Covid means that things are not quite getting back to normal yet. On his Twitter, Nick said… Whilst really disappointing, the current Covid-19 situation sadly means we’re having to delay the European #SaucerfulOfSecrets shows again. Please bear with us as we work on getting new dates for all the shows; hopefully we will have the revised dates for your diary very shortly! Nick tweet If you have tickets, I would imagine the ticket vendor will be in touch with more info at some point. Share your thoughts on the forum. Need your fix? If you need a fix of good quality music, then make sure you have got yourself a copy of Nick’s...